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  1. City farm

    Hottest Day, Think You Know?

    We do the same with collecting rain water.. Not dish water.. However, it is so hot durring the sumer,we pan on putting a shower out in the back yard.. We can use the gray water for our yard that way..already bought the shower faucet.. On that long list of things to do!! Have you watched the...
  2. City farm

    Growing kombucha and kefir grains

    Oh boy do I know that feeling.. I have a new one again. Acctaully a neighbor had a 2 gallon of live kombucha, all he did was pour some into our mason jars.. The mother has been growing, he adds tons of fruit & juices to his kombucha.. What I mean by just pouring, I did not see a baby like...
  3. City farm

    Official Arizona Thread! Veggies in the Valley?

    It is our season for planting, your garden sounds wonderful! Do you harvest & save the seeds? We have 2 jungle fowl, they are the only 2 that found a way out..they come & go as they see fit.. We finally put a wire cage on top.. Have you certified your property? I put our plaque in a pot...
  4. City farm

    Hottest Day, Think You Know?

    Remember 118' ?
  5. City farm

    Hottest Day, Think You Know?

    We are hitting 108 this week. However we are hoping no more haboob's.. Crazy dust, no fun cleaning.. Our plants don't enjoy it either.we are having a big party tonight, everything will be dust free for about 1 minute..
  6. City farm
  7. City farm

    Growing kombucha and kefir grains

    We are growing milk & water kefir grains along with kombucha.. We added raw unfiltered honey to the water kefir grains. . having a big party tomorrow, so we hope to add cranberry, raspberry and blueberry juice to the water kefir grains. .I bet it will be a party favorite. .
  8. City farm

    God gives us all living things.

    God gives us all living things.
  9. City farm

    Arizona finest gardening & more

    We were out in the garden today enjoying the warm weather.. We moved some potted plants & the gecko & crickets were not happy. I was trying to post a photo.. I will add in a bit..
  10. City farm

    Hello from the UK!

    crazy how the eart works, God is in charge of the plant. He will send signs to draw people near Him.. God bless California
  11. City farm

    Hello from the UK!

    Yeehaa from The WILD, WILD, WEST..
  12. City farm

    Hello from the UK!

    :epIt was never like this when my great, great grandma was alive!! Don't even get started on this issue! People are so ignorant.. However, even our friend's that we get started on their own flock, which is bout 10.. They still won't eat their own chciken's..
  13. City farm

    Hello from the UK!

    Awesome that you will be joining in!!! Can't wait to see photos!! We have let's of solar, chickens, ducks, guard dogs ect.. In France you can grow so many things,, keep us posted.. We have a thread for chicken's, Art in the garden & succulent's.. take lts of photos so we all can see..we will...
  14. City farm

    Arizona finest gardening & more

    Oh, thank you for such kind words!!
  15. City farm

    Chicken's love my garden

    We have jungle fowl that found a tiny holding the run.. They are the smartest original chickens.. They are just brats..really, they even eat fly's..
  16. City farm

    Art in our gardens

    Yes it is. I will post more photos. . We are working towards having our whole neighborhood nationally recognized.