Garden Master
If anyone wants to get their hands on any of the select X bred parent lines from the poultry corporations ... one has to sign a strict contract ,have in place specific housing facilities that meet all required structural and equipment requirements as well as biosecurity protocols , a letter of credit for all expenses that may be incurred , and there is a minimum order for 10,000 day old chicks. Grandparent as well as great-grandparent stock is NOT available. Can any backyard or small poultry farmer of heritage or grow your own, know where your food comes from operation even come close to this type of production operation even on a minimum scale of knowing where the chicken comes from, what it eats and drinks and how clean and what pathogens that the chickens may get exposed to, not to mention the facts to know exactly the true costs of all expenses, including labor costs and still make a profit ? I can buy a whole Cornish X chicken at the local grocery stores for $0.79 -- $0.89 / pound ... or an already cooked and packaged , HOT , 1.5 - 2 lb. "Cornish Game Hen " for $ 4.99 each, that is including slaughter, transportation, grocery store expenses and profit added on top of all production costs plus profit of the grower
... can any one of you do this or come anywhere close to it ?