Sounds about right.. Thx
I just wish I knew where it came from.. Any ideas on how to get rid of it organically? Id prefer not to use roundup or similar if possible..
Hi all! Long time no read.
So I'm in Southern California and have an odd weed that is recently shown up in the past year and don't know what it is and need help identifying it..
It's a fairly aggressive grower and spreader and has small thorny like things up and down the main branch in and...
Thanks.. I think I may try to contain them by boxing them in -- perhaps by creating a planter as I mentioned but put a bottom on it of some sort of another to keep the roots in check.. If I were to put down say 3-4 layers of weed fabric with NO holes in it do you think that might work to...
Hi all.. Been away for a while and thought I'd check back in..
We've been working on a few projects in the garden and we are currently setting up our first climbing structure for vining plants.. The first structure (parts of it shown below -- NOT done yet!) will be used for a handful of Golden...
Hmm.. I hope they're not ready yet for laying -- otherwise I'll be getting some small eggs! :)
I'm estimating that the birds are 1/2 to 2/3rds grown -- I can still easily hold them with one hand.. Lohmann Browns are supposed to be exceptional layers and start early compared to some other...
So, our set of 4 month and a half old pullets (lohmann browns) are living in their composting coop/run.. They seem to enjoy it but behave like little school kids much of the day.. They frequently spend most of the mornings in the coop -- NOT the run.. playing in the nesting boxes.. If you go in...
That's more or less what I was thinking -- some sort of floating/hanging tray with hardware cloth on the bottom and some sort of off-center/eccentric cam that is belt driven by an old electric motor to vibrate things for you.. That way I could just shovel until the wheel barrow beneath is full...
Yeah.. I've not ruined any yet -- I just don't use them weekly if you know what I mean.. They do get used year-round -- at least the mower does -- I should really remove all gas from the tiller though.. Save me some grief..
Hmm.. Hadn't thought of that.. Not sure I'd be able to find one around here.. In my case I think the a-frame would work better for me.. So much yard work to catch up on.. I'm getting my lawn mower & mini-tiller back tomorrow from the shop.. Both had gas/fuel issues causing stalling.. Gotta quit...
So, I've got a front strip of grass between the sidewalk and the street that is approx. 40'x4' and about 1/2 of it has a nice set of Bermuda grass that is slowly taking over -- ok -- quickly.. What I'd like to do is spend a few hours and a few $$ and make an A-frame style weed collector that...
Boy.. You all have been busy!!! I disappeared for a few days and tons of replies magically appeared! Thanks All! No worries about steering the thread a bit.. I don't mind..
Our run is fairly small but our 4 little birds love it much better than being inside at this point.. We are still...
Boy.. You all have been busy!!! I disappeared for a few days and tons of replies magically appeared! Thanks All! No worries about steering the thread a bit.. I don't mind..
Our run is fairly small but our 4 little birds love it much better than being inside at this point.. We are still...
We just picked up a passion fruit vine at the local farmers market for $20 and it's loaded with green fruit about the size of tennis balls.. I'm under the impression that they should turn purple when ripe since this is the purple variety.. Anyone got one of these that can clue me in? I don't...
So, this Mandarin orange tree (all 4' of it) has been attacked some time ago and is still being attacked.. I'm thinking it's some sort of bug of some sort? The tree recently sent out some nice new growth (about 1.5' of it) and nothing was on those leaves until this past week when I started...
Thanks.. I guess the shorter-day thing was something we were thinking about for our birds that were noisy in the mornings -- earlier than we were hoping for.. I guess we'll see how the new hens fare in that regard when the time comes.. Thanks for chiming in..
My mother is one of the leads that runs a local orchid society in Oregon.. She's got a 20' greenhouse filled with different varieties and has been growing them for years.. If you've got specific questions that nobody else here is able to address I can ask her.. I'm sure she'd be able to craft up...