Deeply Rooted
Hi all.. Been away for a while and thought I'd check back in..
We've been working on a few projects in the garden and we are currently setting up our first climbing structure for vining plants.. The first structure (parts of it shown below -- NOT done yet!) will be used for a handful of Golden Kiwi plants which need strong support .. I will be making something similar to this (but only a 1 dimensional wall if you will) for my newly purchased blackberry/raspberry plants I got over the weekend.. These will be planted in the ground and trigger the following questions :
The raspberry varieties I got at the local Home Depot were Heritage and Willamette varieties.. I believe both claim to be 'shrub' types and I couldn't find anyone that knew if the plants would take over the yard like wild blackberries do in Oregon and Northern CA -- making nasty thickets.. One of the blackberry varieties is Marion Blackberry but I don't recall the last one..
So -- the question -- IF these are planted in the ground will they spread and try to take over the planet? Obviously if canes come in contact with the ground I realize that might happen -- BUT if the canes are controlled and left climbing the wire trellis would that happen naturally?
If so, can I build a small cinderblock planter (perhaps two blocks tall) up against the existing cinderblock wall and use that to control the plants from taking over?
Here's the pic of the type of structure I'm building -- it's an idea I got from a grower nearby and is made from 1" EMT piping used for electrical work and the metal grid is used for laying in cement.. His claim was that this stuff cost about $15/panel and will last at least 15 years.. Ours will be approx 16' long by 8' wide and will have the mesh on the top for the Kiwi to crawl over when they get that big.. We will eventually put a bench under it for afternoon reading,etc..
We've been working on a few projects in the garden and we are currently setting up our first climbing structure for vining plants.. The first structure (parts of it shown below -- NOT done yet!) will be used for a handful of Golden Kiwi plants which need strong support .. I will be making something similar to this (but only a 1 dimensional wall if you will) for my newly purchased blackberry/raspberry plants I got over the weekend.. These will be planted in the ground and trigger the following questions :
The raspberry varieties I got at the local Home Depot were Heritage and Willamette varieties.. I believe both claim to be 'shrub' types and I couldn't find anyone that knew if the plants would take over the yard like wild blackberries do in Oregon and Northern CA -- making nasty thickets.. One of the blackberry varieties is Marion Blackberry but I don't recall the last one..
So -- the question -- IF these are planted in the ground will they spread and try to take over the planet? Obviously if canes come in contact with the ground I realize that might happen -- BUT if the canes are controlled and left climbing the wire trellis would that happen naturally?
If so, can I build a small cinderblock planter (perhaps two blocks tall) up against the existing cinderblock wall and use that to control the plants from taking over?
Here's the pic of the type of structure I'm building -- it's an idea I got from a grower nearby and is made from 1" EMT piping used for electrical work and the metal grid is used for laying in cement.. His claim was that this stuff cost about $15/panel and will last at least 15 years.. Ours will be approx 16' long by 8' wide and will have the mesh on the top for the Kiwi to crawl over when they get that big.. We will eventually put a bench under it for afternoon reading,etc..