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    Jiffy pots & I dont' mean the little tabs either...

    SO glad you told the story of the Siamese incedent of 2010... I have a siamese mix and I can tell you it runs in the breed :) She likes to bat the plants like they're her favorite kitty toy. She digs in my mint bed... and scratch herself against the roses lol. And the personality, Penny always...
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    What Are You Planting Today, This Week, This Month?

    Might have started a bit late but set jalapeno and Habanero seeds 2 days ago. We'll see how they go, I didn't have much luck last year with my sweet pepper seeds so we'll see about the hot. Also just bought another blueberry plant and 2 raspberry plants but have to wait until May to put them in...
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    Creative ways to grow lettuce?

    I like it! My kitchen window faces east and we have it open all summer... would be super easy to water too since it's right at the porch :) SO creative
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    Post your Vegetable Garden Pics

    stir fry, pickled okra...
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    Are chickens and bunnies "buddies"?

    I have a friend that kept her one rabbit buck with her chickens... but he decided he was a rooster (ehem) so he found a new home.
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    Help me add finishing touches to this garden.

    My brother-in-law build a cute (short) picket fence that I have around my strawberry bed. I think it would have been better being a little shorter (for reaching ease) but the white wash look really adds some "shabby chic" look to my garden that I love. My little fence is maybe 2 feet tall and I...
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    Planting strawberries

    I would wait until after the danger of frost. Once they're planted and established they should be fine year to year. I'm in Zone 6 and mulch mine through the winter just to be absolutly sure they'll make it. I ordered mine through the mail last year and they got here too early so I pre-planted...
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    Potted Cucumbers

    Everything I've seen is that cucumbers need to be polinated. They have both male and female flowers, if the females doen't get polinated they fall off and no fruit. You could hand polinate and I think you can do that with just a q-tip or something. I've never done that though so I don't know for...
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    Two Down... One to Go (PIX)

    Absolutly charming. I love them :)
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    sowing zinnias and marigolds

    I started mine last year around Mid march. They stayed in a south facing bay window with LOTS of light and good heat... and they took off better than anything I planted from seed last year. :hu don't know how much help I am though, sorry.
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    What Are You Planting Today, This Week, This Month?

    My luffa has sprouted, first year with them. I tried to start some slips of sweet potatoes, but I think there was too much water and it slimed up and started to rot... so this time I'm going to try with setting them on a soil bed for them to get their moisture that way. Tomorrow I'll start my...
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    Growing Tomato, Squash, and Cukes this year Vertically! Need ADVICE!!

    Now that's a very creative use of knee highs :) I like it!! I have some vine peach that I think will be ok, but I'll definatly stock up on some knee highs for the squashes and regular cantalope. Thanks :happy_flower
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    More potato questions

    i did the same thing with my carrots last year... but it was an accident since there was a hole in the seed packet that I didn't see until I went to plant them and they had already been sown :)
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    USDA Sued over approval of GMO Alfalfa

    So I'm a little behind on all this and just learning about GMO. And this is some seriously creepy stuff! I wish that this was gone over in my high school biology, it wasn't and High school was only 9 years ago for me! The more I research, the more it looks like a conspiracy, and the scarier it...
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    Growing Tomato, Squash, and Cukes this year Vertically! Need ADVICE!!

    do the pie pumpkins, acorn squash, butternut squash and cantalope need extra suport under the fruit or can the vine hold them?
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    trellising winter squash

    dissreguard, found the other thread :)
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    What's your favorite apple(s) and why?

    My favorite is Gala. I like to eat them as they are, cook them down and can as apple butter, and they also make the best texture (in my opinion) for apple pie :) YUMMY I planted 1 last year and need to get 1 or 2 more apple trees, maybe a different variety, to help polinate.
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    Growing Tomato, Squash, and Cukes this year Vertically! Need ADVICE!!

    So that's what I'm going to do with the extra pig pannels we have saved the last few years! I hated my tomato cages last year and wanted a more efficient way to grow my cukes :weight You guys are so smart :celebrate
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    What flowers bloom in June in the northwest..for our wedding!

    I love your idea! Only other one i could think of is baby's breath but I have no experience with it. AND CONGRATULATIONS!
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    Fall Bulbs?

    I planted daffodils, hyacinth, grape hyacinth and Iris this past fall but we have a problem. It's been so mild here we're actually getting RAIN! So my bulbs are coming up! Should I throw more dirt on top of them? Our winters have never been this mild, once November hits it's usually snow till...