So we're planting a 1/4 acre of flowers to use at our wedding. Got some ideas on flowers that bloom in June?
Common folks help me out!!!
1/4 acre of wildflowers? I planted a wildflower mix on about that much space. By June I have enough daisy's for about 10 weddings!! You are in a much different climate than I am...I see that you are getting your green house ready. If you start a lot of seeds early- I bet you can have quite a selection by June. Are you thinking "country bouquets" with sunflowers, etc. Or, were you hoping for something more formal??
I'm in a different zone than you also, but you're probably a good 3 weeks ahead of me, so what is starting for me in june should be a for sure-in-bloom for you.
Here's whats blooming for me in june:
Foxgloves (these are biennial so I guess they wouldn't work if you planted from seed.)
Meadow sage
Veronica -some, some varieties bloom midsummer
Then of course there's roses, Philadelpus (mock orange), iris and
clematis, but those are established shrubs/ perennials.
Show us pics of how it turns out for you, and good luck!
I'm not anywhere near your area, so I'm not much help. Just wanted to say good job thinking that far ahead! I wish I had... I really wanted peonies for my wedding and was way off on the timing. We used homegrown roses instead. You'll save so much money growing your own. Congrats on your upcoming wedding! :bouquet
My thoughts thus far are:
roses (what I have)
bachelors buttons
Whatever delphiniums I have coming up
love in the mist?
We have a farm. I want the bouquets to be representitive of our life here. I have about 30 asiatic lilies. Maybe a small variety of sunflower as I don't want the bouquets too top heavy and I want people to be able to see accross the table. Love the ideas of peopnies, but we didn't plant them in fall.
My wedding was in august in the PNW and I planted bulbs because they are more or less fool-proof. Lilies are one example of a good wedding flower for your timeframe. (IMHO) Holland bulb farms can give you a good idea of your options.
Hey, April- just received my Organic Gardening magazine. It has a small article about using organic flowers, etc for a wedding. Not incredibly inspiring- but it reminded me of a cute idea- using chicken feathers in a bouquet.
If you don't get the mag, might be worth a peek at Barnes and Noble...