So, since the last time I took an American History and Civics courses was back when mullets were still fashionable hairstyles, I have no business writing my CongressCritter?
If a non-state actor does something immoral (nevermind legality, this is ethics here) which personally affects me in a...
So you believe that all farmers everywhere all have the same issues, concerns, and opinions?
And you believe that if lay people were simply to talk to folks who work in the industry about which they have concerns, they would even 1) understand enough about the industry...
We have a native wildflower and wetland garden, not a veggie garden. The original landscaping looked pretty lame, and a bunch of employees volunteered to plant and maintain the area with native landscaping and wildflowers on their time off. Management's only comment, other than, "what a lovely...
Yeah, I pick it earlier than you do--milk stage. By the time it gets really textured then most of the sugar has turned to starch and I can't bear to eat it, too pasty. We grill corn occasionally, unwrap the shucks but don't peel them all the way off, then remove silk and replace it with, oh...
I recall saying this once before: It is very much up to YOU, the "good" ag scientist, to shout the bad ones down, point them up, shame them for their lousy actions. Even so, expect to be tarred with the same brush to some extent, but it is still YOUR job (as in, not the media's or...
I agree w/ hoodat, not a huge fan of the extra-sweets. Of course, I was raised to get the water boiling on the stove first and then go out and pick the corn. If you get the corn in the boiling water in under 20 minutes, and boil for exactly 7 minutes, it'll be plenty sweet.
I liked Triple Play...
I've also read that you can make them into fiber, a bit like hemp or flax.
Seedcorn, I have lovely dreams of the day that someone invents a car that runs on Japanese knotweed, ground ivy/creeping charlie, poison ivy and Asian bittersweet. My undergrad adviser used to fantasize about...
Here is what I do:
In winter (November-Decemberish here in MA), usually on a semi-warm day when temps are above freezing, I prune the trees and then spray with dormant oil. That's just a kind of mineral oil with emulsifiers so it can be diluted in water. Dormant oil will smother any insects...
:drool All these ideas in 24 hours! My word!
Like the yogurt-pops idea, I will give it a go--I have a carton of plain yogurt and a plastic popsicle mold. Just gotta find the sticks, they tend to get lost. DH is sorta-kinda lactose intolerant, so frozen yogurt is fine, but ice cream not so much...
I used to grow it, years ago. It's very mild. Looks pretty though. If you have a very strange friend/relative who doesn't like fresh tomatoes (they exist, one of my close friends is a tomato-hater, which just goes to show you that all sorts of people can get along if they try :lol: ), Garden...
It will take about 2-3 years to get decent-sized blackberry and raspberry bushes from seed, if the volunteers in my backyard are any indicator. Blueberries grow slooooowly, I would guess closer to 4 years, minimum, if not more like 5-6 before you'd see fruit.
Can you define "expensive"? Plants...
I made an inordinate amount of jam last year: strawberry, mulberry/raspberry, blueberry-spice, peach-orange. Gave a good amount away over the holidays, but kept a few jars of each flavor for myself. I now have about six jars of jam left in the pantry, and looks like I will have a strawberry...
There's a few folks from the Bay State here. I'm right on the border between 7 and 6, and due to a lucky slope and trees that act as a windbreak, I'm more like 7.
You can plant everything out now--I put direct-sown melons and cukes out a few weeks ago, and after I mulched them in well with...
+1 to Whitewater. Even if you do go the pesticide route, it's still much cheaper to grow your own than to buy from the store.
DH mentioned to me that he knows grocery store prices must be going through the roof, because now on the late-night teevee commercials, he sees ads for high-yielding...
I had that same problem. The worst was finding all these perfectly hollowed-out O-shaped and C-shaped potato skins. There must have been a zillion of em. I knew that at some point in the past, there must have been, easily, 5-7 lbs. yield/1 lb. seed potatoes planted...but all et by mice. :barnie...
Yep. Works like a charm! Especially nice if you have a type of veggie that doesn't set the whole entire crop at once--I had some pole beans like that, they produced slowly only a few handfuls at a time. It was nice to be able to freeze a quart at a time, and I ended up with some ridiculous...
Regardless of aesthetics, it would be completely non-functional in my area: We get sideways rain. How about snow load, can a cantilevered shed made out of ordinary low-grade pine 2x4" lumber and wood screws put up with a 3-4 foot snow load for 5 months straight?
Also, dimensions? I'm only...
There was a campaign a few years back due to one of those bottled water companies--their slogan was, "Fiji: because it's not made in Cleveland." The city of Cleveland got a bit upset and compared the quality of their tap water to the Fiji bottled water. Turned out the Fiji stuff was full of...