I would greatly appreciate if you could take a minute to give me your opinion about a garden-shed that I designed and has just been published online as part of a competition. Im very interested in hearing opinions from people from different regions and as many different backgrounds as possible.
Please visit the following website and click at the bottom of the page to leave your comments and rating of the project:
Comments can be completely anonymous if you prefer, but I would love to have any information about you that you are willing to share (occupation, age, country of origin/residence, etc).
Thank you so much for your time and I hope youll like the shed.
Please visit the following website and click at the bottom of the page to leave your comments and rating of the project:
Comments can be completely anonymous if you prefer, but I would love to have any information about you that you are willing to share (occupation, age, country of origin/residence, etc).
Thank you so much for your time and I hope youll like the shed.