I live next door to a school and the first day of school a new student to that school looked out the window and exclaimed "Wow there is afarm next door"
I have a 1/2 acre of land with a 24X50 veggie garden which at that time had crops still in it...a chicken coop a dozen chickens ...I donot have...
That is a good idea... I have used row covers to stop the white moth from getting to broccoli etc...
also I have dusted my plants with Diamatous Earth to stop the worms...both work well
I went to a Blue Seal forum at the American leagion post in Rochester NH... the speaker was from Barrington NH of the Yellow House Farm...cant remember his name...
I have a friend who lives in Shapligh...on Bond Mountain Road...Last name is Bond...of Bond Tree FArm... are you anywhere near...
My berry's have flowered.. they are everbearing but the best harvest is in the early part of the summer...course some never make it to the house...LOL
added pic
Goodness Marshall..Only one tomato plant...that would mean a limited supply of yummy tomatoes for my sandwiches and salads...
Lucky I pinch off the lower growth on my indeterminate Toms and will trim some of the suckers if they get out of hand and try to over take the garden...
It really...
That is what my DH and DS say all the time every time I add a new garden... "One more thing to mow around"....... LOL I am trying to rid the yard of lawn...like Lesa I just want grass paths through the garden...but.....
Steve have you ever tried to grow your peppers in the 'walls of water' ? or under row covers...The only way I can get eggplant is to do it with the' wall of water' it keeps the roots really warm...
I always feel in-adaquate when I see your list of what you are growing... I might have 6 pepper...
Daisy I saw on the news today that they had a swarm at a baseball game and the bee keepers vacuumed them up... If they want to be at your farm I'd let them stay... honey bees are indangered in some places...
polish soup
1lb keilbasa or other spicy sausage sliced
sliced or chopped onion
green pepper chopped
sliced celery
beef broth
cubed potatoes
sliced carrots
chopped kale
s&p to taste
cook till veggies are tender
Love your use of old bike! is that forgetmenot around it??? and your lupins are lovely...I wanted to make pavers out of the tree trunk that fell but DH didnt like the idea...so he split the wood :somad