Thanks to everyone's responses. Now I don't feel overwelmed by all the catalogs I've received. I will also look at Dave's Garden. You all help me out alot.
Nifty, when I clicked onto the link, the page was all letters, numbers, symbols and the page froze up. I had to turn my computer off and start over. What happened?
Another beautiful pairing up of plantings! Keep'em popping up! Do you realize that you give us ideas and inspiration for our gardens-those (like me) who are a little at a loss as to what may look nice together?
When I lived on my Pappa's farm as a young girl, I hated to walk the 2 large pastures to the family garden to weed and pick vegies and fruit--hot walk and no shade near! But in the yard, I had a small patch of various pretty little plants in half sun/half shade that my Dad let me keep--I think...
My Dad used to grow 2 kinds of grapes-don't remember what-the ones we had needed full sun and to be cut back drastically every year. We'd get loads of grapes! Some green and some red/purple.
Nifty, how about "Heirlooms" as a catagory for this forum? I bet at least a few people grow some, I know I'll be trying some when we get our garden going next Spring, and I for one would like some feedback/knowledge on any heirlooms grown.