I thought this would be a super fun thread to start! Let's all keep posting what we are planting when we are planting it!

Of course, what one person is planting won't necessarily apply to everyone, especially with all the different zones we all live in, but I thought it would be a great way for us all to explore other zones and see what all our friends are up to.
Let's see if we can keep this thread running for the life of this forum! I want to look back on 100 pages of simple posts that start with "Today I planted ....."
So, here is the format I propose for your post. Let's keep the posts really short and simple. If you want to share more details on what you planted please start a new thread and link to it from your post here.
Today I planted:
Link to my thread with more details:
(Optional link with details and pictures (of planting process and / or what the plant will look like in bloom)

Of course, what one person is planting won't necessarily apply to everyone, especially with all the different zones we all live in, but I thought it would be a great way for us all to explore other zones and see what all our friends are up to.
Let's see if we can keep this thread running for the life of this forum! I want to look back on 100 pages of simple posts that start with "Today I planted ....."
So, here is the format I propose for your post. Let's keep the posts really short and simple. If you want to share more details on what you planted please start a new thread and link to it from your post here.
Today I planted:
Link to my thread with more details:
(Optional link with details and pictures (of planting process and / or what the plant will look like in bloom)