Search results

  1. Wisher1000

    Stink Bugs

    I went out today and cleaned up the flowerbed below the wall in my back garden. It was cool but completely bearable in shorts and a t-shirt! I wore Crocks and used the sprayer on the hose to rinse the dirt off the blocks. As I was spraying the wall off, I noticed the slow march of hundreds of...
  2. Wisher1000

    Storing Seed Potatoes

    Has anyone stored potatoes from ornamental potato vine, like Margarite or the dark purple one (whose name escapes me?) I also have a copper colored one and I am sure there are huge potatoes under the soil. It is time to take them up as we have had a couple of light frosts and the leaves are...
  3. Wisher1000

    Climbing plant

    My thoughts, exactly, So Lucky.... Virginia Creeper would be my first guess. It is bushy if cut back, has 7 (=/-) leaflets that radiate out from their anchor point and is prolific. It is not toxic like the other two, but they would also be commonly found species. There are lots of other...
  4. Wisher1000

    Amaryllis questions

    I'm with Baymule, just leave them in the ground. My Dad used to have the grandest Amaryllis show in the county! He planted them at the base of a brick wall that faced west. The stalks would be as big around as a golfball and three feet tall. His were the dark red ones with the scarlette...
  5. Wisher1000

    My Mollie

    I'm so sorry :hugs
  6. Wisher1000

    The Cost of Education

    Hello, all! I have to jump in here. I have three boys in public school. I have worked in public schools as an outsider (not faculty or staff) for 15 years. It gave me an interesting perspective on the system. I see the problems all have mentioned and must say that I agree that they all are...
  7. Wisher1000

    What can I do with my little garden?

    Ninny - The only thing I can add to the wonderful responses you have gotten so far is this. Be very careful with adding sand to your clay soil. Clay + sand = concrete. I live in Alabama and have gardened in red clay soil all my life. I thought it was a pain in the butt to work but have found...
  8. Wisher1000

    Grass Clippings

    Hi! Grass clippings can be tricky. They are a "green" when fresh and wet and a "brown" when they are dry and mixed with leaves. What I do is to try to mix them thoroughly with leaves or into the existing compost as soon as I put them in. If you layer them in there is the chance that they...
  9. Wisher1000

    Tree with white flowers

    Oh man! I'm too late! I took one look at the pic and said that's a privet! Here in the south, they are a nusiance plant. My DH HATES them and will attack them with a vengence. I have one growing by the dog's pen and it smells delicious (I won't let him cut that one) but he conplains that it...
  10. Wisher1000

    My new rototiller

    Good Morning, Garden Gang! I have been away for a while and am thrilled to see old friends here as well as lots of newcomers! I think the pigs are precious, but like Marshall, I could not eat one I raised. I would like to find someone like Stubby that I could get to raise one (humanely) for...
  11. Wisher1000

    Your all time favourite Flower Plants and Why...

    I love Amrylis and Asiatic Lillies. The Amrylis remind me of my father, he always had them in his beds - and the Asiatic Lillies (Specifically Stargazers) where the flowers in my wedding bouquet. Both grow well here in Alabama.
  12. Wisher1000

    Puff Ball

    That sounds good....but...I's skeeered....
  13. Wisher1000

    What can I plant right now?

    Okay, you guys.... you know this warm weather is a fluke, right? It is not really spring, and there is coldness on the way. I'm itching to plant as much as you are but dont want to waste my time and suffer the disapointment that I fear is coming. If you can stand the risk, go for it, but I am...
  14. Wisher1000

    Puff Ball

    Ha, ha, ha ... as my DH says, be more specific! Do you eat them raw, fried, sauteed, how?
  15. Wisher1000

    Puff Ball

    We have puff balls but they don't look like that. Ours are grayish brown and have a tough skin on the outside and a dark brown powder inside. When you step on them they "puff" the powder out a hole in the top. Is this what they look like when they are young? How do you eat them?
  16. Wisher1000

    Xmas gift for a gardener

    I want one!
  17. Wisher1000

    Help for Aggressive Rooster Problems

    If you feed the rooster first and let him call the hens to him to share the food you just gave him, he sees you as the source of a means to look good to the ladies. It seems to take the threat away from you. I have one that never has tried to flog me, he is always the first in line when I...
  18. Wisher1000

    I'd Like to Know What This Weed Is?

    I don't know what it is, but you're right, it is pretty. I have several weeds that I tolerate because they look nice. Come to think of it, I don't know their names, either.
  19. Wisher1000

    Pecan Pie

    Every time I have made pecan pie, the pecans were mixed into the filling and rose to the top during baking, I have never had a pecan pie where the pecans were scattered all the way through the filling (maybe it's a southern thing) and the filling has always gotten thicker the longer it was...
  20. Wisher1000

    Building a chicken coup ...HELP?

    Here is my set-up. I started with just the covered run which is 12x16. The chickens and guineas did fine with only the end covered for a year. I put up tarps in the winter to keep it dryer (protected from blowing rain) but that's all. I then added the closed-in part on the east end. I call...