Combine in a 16 oz bottle:
15 drops lavender oil
3-4 Tbsp of vanilla extract
1/4 Cup lemon juice.
Fill bottle with water. Shake (the bottle....:rolleyes:). Ready to use.
This just popped up, from a friend, on my Facebook status...........
~Cut a piece of rose bush stem 6 to 8 inches long with a sharp, clean knife or pruning shears. If collecting multiple cuttings, keep them in the shade until you are ready to begin the next step.
~Cut off the spent blooms, hips...
Nope......that's, just, how many bowls it took to hold what he gave me. He tried to get me to take more...........Those bowls are pretty large mixing bowls....
When I have a rooster with an overactive testosterone problem, I just add more hens..........most times, the extra "girlfriends" spreads his "attention" and creates more diversion.
Took the shovel and scooped off the chicken-poop layer in one of Babygirl's chicken runs. Got an huge amount of chicken "gold" for the compost pile. Haven't done it in about a year. Got tired of nearly slipping down (I could break a hip :lol:), after rain, when I would go in to collect the...
Heck......If I had a chipper, NOTHING would be "safe" around here.....LOL
Double R......I have a tendency to do the same thing with my brush pile. No need to buy dolomite.....
About 3 or 4 weeks ago (actually, I really don't know how long. "Time" is just a word, to me....but, let's just say) I cut some rogue trees down around the house, let them lay and, today, was pleasantly surprised at just how much carbon (brown) material came off them for the compost pile, when I...
Yeah, Mary....still work at the same, independent grocery store, has just, two days ago, been sold to Food Giant, which will take possession on June 1st. They are planning a LOT of upgrades and it appears that it will be a positive change. They have assured the current owners that...
Just thinking....Deer like to be pretty close to a fence before jumping, so....if you strung three stands of hot wire, four feet in front of the fence, it might be enough to make them decide to go over to your neighbor's garden, instead.:lol: much homemade compost as I have made and used over the years , but it does. And the new compost pile is building pretty fast. It's unreal just how much compost material it thrown out at grocery stores EVERY day.