Deeply Rooted much homemade compost as I have made and used over the years , but it does. And the new compost pile is building pretty fast. It's unreal just how much compost material it thrown out at grocery stores EVERY day.
Yeah, Mary....still work at the same, independent grocery store, has just, two days ago, been sold to Food Giant, which will take possession on June 1st. They are planning a LOT of upgrades and it appears that it will be a positive change. They have assured the current owners that all the current employees will retain their jobs, but.....we will all have to fill out employment appts. According to their website, they are a, VERY, customer and employee oriented company.ninnymary said:Boggy, do you still work at the store where you used to work?
I have trouble getting greens from the big grocery chain store in my city. Seems like there is some red tape about giving it away. But once in a while, I get lucky when I ask one of the produce guys if they have any throw aways. Usually, they tell me it's already gone to the dumpster. I hope they are telling me the truth! At least they go to the back and check.
Hahahaha.......depends on whether or not a steak knife and scissors could be called a chipper.......journey11 said:Wow. That is a lot! Do you run it through a chipper, Boggy?
According to their website, they are 100% employee lucky said:Boggy, isn't Food Giant employee owned? We have one near us, and I think I remember hearing that in their ads.