I had to go out & check my Romaine (Parris Island) after reading this...I didn't see anything on the ribs, but ran my finger down a few & felt a little "something" there...not enough that would prevent me from eating them, tho! ;)
Glad you explained that one, MR, cuz my brow immediately furrowed upon reading it! :hu
My compost is outside the fence, or I'm sure my dogs would be all into it, too...;)
It's too late to do a trench this year, since the plants are already a foot high, maybe next year...;)
I don't think wheat straw will work, I tried it on the strawberries (when it was colder out) & the first stiff wind blew everything all over the yard. :rolleyes:
The soil is from a...
Hey ya'll...I'm looking for some creative ideas, as I'm starting to feel like Sisyphus, rolling the rock up the hill over & over & over...:P
Here's the problem - how do I keep my taters "hilled"? Whenever it rains or I water them, they flatten back out! (these are in raised beds; I have some in...
Heehee! As I pointed out in my OP, I guess I'm not as sophisticated as some of ya'll! ;) A nice crock would look wonderful, but it's just one more thing for me to clean! (Much easier for me to throw out the old coffee can when it gets dirty/smelly.)
Anyway, shows how much I know - I had never...
Actually, I was making fun of who-ever thought you needed a fancy-shmancy $22 pot for your wilted lettuce & used coffee grounds! :rolleyes: :P
But Steve...does that mean you have to go out onto your deck whenever you have scraps to dispose of...? I mean, my compost bin is at the bottom of the...
Okay, I've seen it all now...at TSC, right at the counter, they were selling "kitchen scrap bins" (or something to that effect, I can't remember exactly now)...heavy enamel-coated pots with tight-fitting lids to put your scraps in before going into the compost...all for the lowlowlow price of...
It wasn't easy to find, to be sure...& there was only 1 brand in 1 size. I'm afraid next year I won't be able to find any locally, either. :/
The good news is, I found a shaker-type device (glass with metal top, actually meant for sugar :D)...I don't know if the coverage is acceptable, but at...
This stuff specifically says it's for the garden, but says it can also be used indoors as well (fleas in your carpeting & so forth)...so I would guess it would be okay for a chicken coop. :)
I'm off to the dollar store to try to find a dispersal device! :D
Do they still make flour sifters...? :lol: I was thinking of maybe using an old metal sieve I have, or going to the dollar store for ideas. I assume it can just be sprinkled over the top, & doesn't need to be on the undersides of the leaves...? And maybe on the surrounded soil?
Just one of many reasons my cats are all indoors...unfortunately my neighbors don't share my views, so I'm a bit concerned with the bluebirds nesting in a box along our fence. :/
Okay, I went out today & got some diatomaceous earth (the folks at TSC & Home Depot had NO IDEA what I was talking about; the 3rd person I asked at Lowe's actually knew what it was & found it for me :rolleyes:)...now that I have it, how exactly do I apply it? The directions say to use a "hand...
I am growing taters for the first time, & saw something disturbing this morning...
One patch I have growing in a barrell in the backyard, & mulching with wheat straw & compost. I planted a 2nd patch in a raised bed out front, which I am just starting to "hill" with soil. (I am trying both...
If you look at the storm tracks the local news was showing on Sat. afternoon, it looked like a giant hand had raked diagonally across the state of NC. Multiple tornados that came in waves. We happened to, by sheer luck or the grace of God (take your pick), live right in between one of the...
Yeah, me too, Rozzie...lettuce is the one thing I find super-easy to grow. I mean, once it sprouts, you just sit back & wait for it to get big enough to snip off leaves. No worrying about pollination, setting fruit, dropping flowers, etc. The rabbits don't even bother it. :D