My two granddaughters like to help in the garden but tire easily. I want to get them to at least get the bug enough that when they are older they will want to follow their old grandmother's heart to the garden. I went away from if for a while as a young adult but got that yearning to garden...
We are like some others in that we try to get caught up with those things we don't have time to do in the summer. We have crossed off a couple things on the list but have lots to do. BUT, there are longer periods of coffee in the morning, earlier to bed at night, sleeping in at daybreak, basket...
Tennessee has been the most hard hit state, we have had 10 deaths already. Yes, there is months of treatment afterwards. One lady spent weeks in hospital, home but giving herself IV's for three months and meds for 6 months. She can barely hold her head up. MONEY, root of evil!
Family took care of family then. My grandfather died at age 23 leaving a wife and two children under 3 years of age. They moved in with my grandmother's parents and lived there for many years. My mother says they survived on chickens. They sold the eggs or traded them for salt and sugar and ate...
Marshall, someone gave me about 10 seeds of Trail of Tears. I guess that will be enough to get me some more seeds next year. When you say multi use, what are the uses?
Bedsheets to cover plants, plastic is not good!
Hoodat, I just ate a bowl of turnip greens, whole bowl!! I am trying to build my iron/blood back from donating yesterday but really enjoyed those greens. The fog prevented a frost on our plants last night, I think. I haven't checked them all...
Some plants take more space that one square foot. In Bartholomew's book he suggest the number or amount of space needed for plants. For example, 16 onions, 1 cabbage. He grows tomatoes with a trellis and does lots of pruning to train it.
I use it for things close to the house. I have cabbage, broccoli, and cauliflower in a bed now. I also do lettuce, onions, and radishes in one. Works for some things really good. Bartholomew has a New Square Foot Gardening Book out now. He changes some of the things he put in the first book by...
Marshall, I will do whatever you need me to do. I am not as knowledgeable as some of the rest of you or do I have as much experience, but willing to help in any way I can because I want to read this book.
I can sympathize with the getting older. We dug sweet potatoes all morning and I had to wash them all in the afternoon. I sat on a 5 gallon bucket to wash them and as they were washed dropped them into the bucket. I am so SORE that I can hardly move!! A full day of work would not have made me...
Me, I could add some things from "OLD WAYS" of gardening from things I am learning from my mother. I do pretty good in raising potatoes so could add some there. I am learning about raised bed gardening so could add a little there. BUT mostly could gain lots from reading our book!
Catjac, I am truly blessed! My 82 year old mother can outwork me, just lost one 93 year old aunt, and have a 95 year old aunt still living by herself. Just like yesterday, we had 4 generations around while fencing to get some pigs to raise for breakfast. Of course the 5 and 9 year old...
When they are dug we wash and lay them in the sun for a week or two, this helps sweeten them and Mom says they sweeten as they age also. Yes, last year they were in crates with nothing between them, but can see where straw might help. I had very few to rotten. I threw out one crate last week...