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  1. retiredwith4acres

    Green bean woes

    Birds love beans and crows and some birds will eat the just sprouted beans!
  2. retiredwith4acres

    You know what I hate about ordering chickens??

    OH NO, if you ever hatch any you will get addicted!! Caution! I have 120 right now trying to sell! BUT, not as many as last year! Good luck!
  3. retiredwith4acres

    Green Pea Advice Please

    The last two years of raising green snap peas have been a disappointment. I just got the second small meal from them today and they are already beginning to die. Small meals are fine because I like to cook them with my fresh new potatoes and it doesn't take a lot for a meal but I would like to...
  4. retiredwith4acres

    Temporary Honey Bee Swarm

    I also wished I was closer! We are away from home for a few days and I am worried one of our hives will swarm. We looked in them Monday and I saw some queen cells so know they are preparing. Just hope they wait till we return and give us a chance to catch them.
  5. retiredwith4acres

    Purpose for the garden

    I have clicked all around this topic as I contemplated MY PURPOSE! I think part of it is too remember my grandmother who I strive to be like. She loved her gardening! Being in nature is like a psychiatrist that I don't have to make an appointment with or pay the big bucks to get diagnosed. Also...
  6. retiredwith4acres

    Fibonacci sequence article

    I had some science teacher professional training on Fibonacci in science/math and was amazed at the whole miraculous thing. Beautiful pictures!
  7. retiredwith4acres

    Prayer Request

    I think your eggs will be fine. Been there, done that, and they survived.
  8. retiredwith4acres

    Guess What is for Supper?

    Got my first harvest in the new raised bed today. We have already eaten the Sungold tomatoes but will have the zucchini and squash for supper tonight.
  9. retiredwith4acres

    Looka what I got!

    Ninnymary, I have picked strawberries for most of my 62 years. We would get out of school in early May so kids could pick for the farmers. We got a dine a quart to pick. I raised them for several years to pick and sell because that got me through financially raising 3 kids on a rural teacher...
  10. retiredwith4acres

    Love Volunteers !

    They don't get transplant shock. Enjoy them.
  11. retiredwith4acres

    My babies have two mothers

    I had two to nest together and they raised their chicks together. Did fantastic job also!
  12. retiredwith4acres

    My B-day was the other day, and this is what I got!

    Oh yea, 60+ may be the new 40's but the aches and pains are still 60+ pains. That is what happens when you garden for 60+ years, aches and pains, but OH WHAT FUN! Happy birthday!
  13. retiredwith4acres

    Smelly rose?

    You will have to get an "old fashion" rose for the best smells. Some floribundas have smell, some teas, and some David Austins. What you will have to do is go to a rose website and read descriptions and it will tell type of smell then go hunt for the one you want. These days most don't have the...
  14. retiredwith4acres

    Since NO ONE knows me and can't send a hit man after me.........

    Now, now guys! Be nice, it is Mother's Day weekend. Yea, and those questions can go both ways. I agree with Carol Dee! I have been married more than once and have had good MIL's. My husband and I don't have many disagreements, I am never right according to him but I let it go in and out of the...
  15. retiredwith4acres

    sweet potato varieties

    Mine have pointed but that doesn't help either because I grew my own plants from potatoes I have used for years.
  16. retiredwith4acres

    Mutant radish

    Didn't know radish could be pest deterrent! How and what? I had some to look like that also. Some really big ones and odd shapes but good to eat anyway!
  17. retiredwith4acres

    Looka what I got!

    Looking good! I have put up 33 half pints of freezer jam and my mother 22 jars. I have also frozen 7 quarts and given away a couple gallon to the person that shared sweet potato slips with us. More to pick tonight! I will not let them go to waste, maybe Christmas presents! Our children are...
  18. retiredwith4acres

    When Do I Plant Winter Squash?

    I have never grown any squash other than yellow and zucchini but have seeds for three types of winter squash. When do I start the seeds for zone 6b?
  19. retiredwith4acres

    Jackpot! Cow manure composted to top soil?

    Oh how I wish I had some of that!!!
  20. retiredwith4acres

    First ripe tomato of 2012!

    Oh well, I lost! Will harvest zucchini this week and have green tomatoes but not ripe. Congratulations and good eating!