Deeply Rooted
OK, I don't know if anyone can answer this or it this is going to be a problem. I had two hens go broody at the same time, so I let them both set on eggs. The hatches started within about an hour of each other. One of the other hens killed the second chick born so I moved both brooders into my brooder box and put them onto different ends and hoped for the best. Well at first it was ok, then they started setting on the same nest, I moved the other eggs over but I think it seriously effected that hatch because the othe nest had been abandoned for hours.
Anyone now they are both sitting on the chicks together. Is this going to be a problem when I move them out of the box. The chicks seems to have no preference over the hens, the hens want all the chicks for themselves. They are fighting just pushing each other. Should I take one of the hens out. I kinda like the two mother concept because I am afraid the other hens will be rough with the chicks when I move them back into the chicken coop and two are better then one.
Anyone now they are both sitting on the chicks together. Is this going to be a problem when I move them out of the box. The chicks seems to have no preference over the hens, the hens want all the chicks for themselves. They are fighting just pushing each other. Should I take one of the hens out. I kinda like the two mother concept because I am afraid the other hens will be rough with the chicks when I move them back into the chicken coop and two are better then one.