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  1. retiredwith4acres

    Getting to Be HARVEST Time for Strawberries!!

    I love strawberries! Nothing better than going to the patch, sitting down and picking, and eating them right there.
  2. retiredwith4acres

    What's blooming now (photo)

  3. retiredwith4acres

    Guess on plant

    Kinda resembles a sunflower to me also!
  4. retiredwith4acres

    Anyone incubate eggs?

    Yep, I have hatched about 120 this year. I am finished for the year, I think. I did more last year and sold a few hundred. I have 9 hatched from broodies. My percentage was just about 60%-70% which was not as good as I would have liked but not bad. I hope to freeze about 30 in a few weeks and...
  5. retiredwith4acres

    Afraid to go Outside to Check Plants!

    Yea, my husband covered for us tonight since I was teaching a basket class. I hope he and Mom got everything. Good luck everyone!! I think this is the last night of frost for this year!! Hope, pray!!
  6. retiredwith4acres

    show me your strawberries! :)

    Everything looks so neat Stubborn!!
  7. retiredwith4acres

    Afraid to go Outside to Check Plants!

    Steve, I am wishing good warm weather for you! Being stuck is not good, but I understand the not trusting to leave it to chance. Too much work to throw away. The cold we had would not have been bad if we had a normal spring with snowshowers, cold, damp weather but to have lured us into summer...
  8. retiredwith4acres

    show me your strawberries! :)

    We ate our one ripe berry yesterday before we covered for the freeze last night. BOY, did it taste good!
  9. retiredwith4acres

    show me your strawberries! :)

    My strawberries are in an 8x16 raised bed. They are solid, really too many and will be thinned this year. It works well but if I had it to do over would make it 4x 32 so to not have to put a foot into the bed to pick. The tire idea would work.
  10. retiredwith4acres

    Afraid to go Outside to Check Plants!

    I am very pleased! I lost a few tomato plants and the potatoes look rough but everything else in the garden looks good. We had covered the corn, beans, squash, cucumber, etc with hay and or 5 gallon buckets. The strawberries I covered with quilts, sure didn't want to lose them as they are...
  11. retiredwith4acres

    Afraid to go Outside to Check Plants!

    It is 6:40 and 26*! Will there be anything left?
  12. retiredwith4acres

    Shortnin' had Triplets, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego

    My brother had one that had 6 babies also.
  13. retiredwith4acres

    Not exactly for the garden...

    You will definitely want to process at 8 weeks. If you wait longer you will lose some of them from being so big.
  14. retiredwith4acres

    Best protection from freeze!

    Yes, they turned the tomato leaves touching the bucket black. I assumed the moisture from transpiration would possible freeze like plastic sheets.
  15. retiredwith4acres

    Best protection from freeze!

    We had a big frost last night but expecting a freeze tonight. We covered things with quilts, sheets, and 5 gallon buckets last night but know that the buckets are not the best for a freeze. We have some hay to use also. The quilts will be fine for the strawberries I think. I have sheets for the...
  16. retiredwith4acres


    Be ready if you have anything left, TN is getting frost tomorrow night and Wednesday night so it will heading toward you. I don't know how I will cover everything. I have strawberries ripening, blueberries set on and raspberries blooming, as well as, tomatoes, beans, pepper, etc. I will cover...
  17. retiredwith4acres

    Fall wildflowers - what are these?

    #2 Kinda looks like bluet.
  18. retiredwith4acres

    Things to Look Forward To

    Thanks thistle! That was my Mom's doing when she owned this place. BTW, we had a big fog this morning! Now to go out and uncover everything until next time.
  19. retiredwith4acres

    Things to Look Forward To

    I covered the strawberries, most tomatoes, squash, peppers, and eggplant. If we escape tonight, we have one other night next Tuesday that may get us. They are saying 37 tonight and maybe 36 next week. I am hoping the fog arrives in the morning as it does lots mornings. That may be our saving if...
  20. retiredwith4acres

    garlic question

    Garlic is on my list to start this fall.