Offering her what she picks is a great idea! I do that with the chickens... what they lay is yours. It assures that I won't come back to 25 eggs and 10 broodies! :th
:barnie Find out their witching hour and stand by with a gun. The gophers ate our entire backyard.. then we figured out that they come out at 7pm. :cool:
Ooo ooo ooo ooo!! Jumps up and down on tippy toes with raised hand
I don't have anything to trade back, though. :/ Nothing in seed form anyway. I don't know how anything else would transport unless you'd like a piece of dahlia when they die back.
I mean, that's a really impressive stink eye for a hen! You usually get those looks from the roos! :gig "Excuuuuuuuuuuuse ME! Can't you see I'm bathing?"
That's what my mom says! She hates it but I think it's beautiful. I asked her for some of it and she said, "Oh, you don't want this. I have to weed kill it!" Noooooooooooo!!!
Beautiful! :love You know I love the foxglove, Ann. My mom has several different colors and they all cross pollinated, so she has some interesting colors. They pop up all over the place, too. I planted three and now I have about six. They grow like weeds for me which is great because I'm not...
Those are really nice. So, you can just throw seed down and wait? When is the best time? After frost? We can pretty much plant all year round here, but I don't know about seeds.