Garden Ornament
This year is the best show since I started growing Hollyhocks 4 years ago. There is the most diverse array of colors and petals shapes so far.
Just waiting for my Black Hollyhocks to bloom,they are close. :coolsun
Here is the group in the rhubarb bed the former herb bed, by next year to be just a flower bed.

Close up of the blooms in this bed

I was soo happy to see the white come out this year.
Just had to show them off.
next bed 2 :bee continued ;;;;;
:happy_flower Karan

Here is the group in the rhubarb bed the former herb bed, by next year to be just a flower bed.

Close up of the blooms in this bed

I was soo happy to see the white come out this year.
Just had to show them off.
next bed 2 :bee continued ;;;;;
:happy_flower Karan