Thanks for the replies, now to find a good recipe, I'm new to making anything with fruits. My mother did teach me how to can tomatoes the old fashioned way, old ball jars with the rubber gasket and wax, but things have changed, I love the modern way alot better!! :D
I have a question about making strawberry jam, I'm only getting 10 to 15 strawberries a day and can't pick enough to make a batch of jam, my question is can I freeze them as I pick them and when I have enough make the jam from the frozen strawberries? :/
I put a handful of tobacco and wrap it in thin cotton and tie it with a string leaving about two feet of string for it to hang from, then I put it in a pump sprayer and add water, let it set for a day or two, the water will be brown by then. Take the pouch of tea out, close the sprayer, pump and...
I also lost a zucchini plant last week, it was growing great, about 3 feet tall with large dark green leaves and suddenly they started to yellow but the plant next to it wasn't bothered. I checked the underside of the leaves and noticed small gatherings of brown bugs the size of pepper flakes on...
This is the result of 4 lbs of green and wax beans, first batch of the year and more to come, only thing is I think pint jars are pretty small, can't fit a whole lot of beans in a jar and quart size is too big for the two of us, oh well we'll still enjoy em. :D
This is one of my green bean...
Trust me, I'll keep you posted, the chickens have made a big difference in my gardens, everything is greener and growing much better than in past years, what a difference!
I picked my first batch of beans this evening, I was expecting just enough for supper but after I was done I harvested 4lbs and 2 oz, canning time is here!!
I stopped by our local farmers market yesterday and decided to buy some jalapeno pepper plants, I'm going to try planting a couple plants by my Cherokee purples and see if gives them a little bit of a bite. Have any of you ever tried that before and let me know if it works.. :)
There's nothing like watching things pop up when you first start the garden. And there's nothing like watching your neighbors watch you when you start planting or expanding your garden like I did this year, they watched me add about 500 square feet to my gardens, after several weeks I notice...
I planted my first batch right around Feb. 15 and I had about 70 percent success, then planted about the 2nd or 3rd week in March and had about 40 percent success, seems the warmer it got the less production... :/
OMG!!! I couldn't wait to try the beets I pickled this past weekend so I opened a jar and tried them, they are sooooooo gooood!!!! I like them even more than my mothers pickled beets, all the flavors came together so well, it was like eating candy!!! I highly recommend this canning recipe!! I...