thanks for a start ..
ron i would say no to Aronia or Chokeberry, based on the google search cuz those berries almost have a blueberry bottom, and are kind of spread out on the limbs, this guy the berries are like the size of bb's, clustered like a grape .. chokeberry pictures show the flowers...
i found park seed has them
blue and white zone 8-11
he is in fact NOT a grape, dont try one - i did, gross .. bitter!
its a shrub, spread quickly by the little black grapes it drops .. will grow anywhere, starts out tall and skinny and will fill in if i cut the top down .. i have lost all control of the 2 that got away, taller than my fig and i...
Broke Down Ranch - thank you for the start, some research and i think that is it, then others it doesnt look like it ........ grrr..
so gross ..
injunjoe - i agree, its frustrating me .. i struggle enough not killing the greenery, i dont need some bug helping me! and then what if hes a good guy...
ducks4you - thanks for starting this, again i find out how much i do not know! .. i am so surprised you got so many new irises .. who would of thought (obliviously not me!).
Greensage45 - if i havent said it out loud - i think it every time i read your posts "YOU ROCK!" .. thanks for sharing...
texan thats exciting .. i too started my first fall garden, i will not hold my breath on success .. im also new to the presto bango composting, i added a little on top, it had tons of worms in it ..
so what did you plant, or have you yet ..
i'll tell you what i planted, sugar peas, carrots...
injunjoe, hope your day is going better today ...
i dont know anything about jasmine (only that 1 has survived me and i love it) ..
but that seed pod looks just like the ones my oleanders get, i never knew what it was ..
i've tried searching for what it is, but im having no luck ..
anyone know what the wormy thing is, or what has attacked my morning glory .. they seem to be eating the leaves from the inside, leaving like a gray window through the leaves .. very gross .. i cut off all the leaves that had the...
our first frost for sacramento is about nov 14, im learning i have 240+ days of a growing season .. still learning how that will all apply to me .. having frost already is strange to me, its still very very hot here .. high 90's during the daylight and low 60s at night ...
again your killing me ..
so a quick question on tomatoes .. i thought i read somewhere (net) that you could put the tomato leaves in water, let em sit a while, strain, put in spray bottle and use as a pest control .. cuz there toxic?
love it, your so creative .. i am wondering are the holes so small and few cuz its the finisher? .. would the beginner need more holes and bigger holes for air to get the the greens and browns ??
lareepqg - i hear you, ive always known they are toxic, so i checked with poision control website and its states: if consumed .. im going to go with that, and just never eat them!
in the years i've been maintaining my oleanders i've come out of that garden bed area looking as though i just lost...
HiDelight can i just say that i look forward to reading your posts, you either make me think or make me smile or just plain laugh out loud .. im sorry to hear your not getting your garden therapy time, we all need that 'quite' time for our mind and bodies ..
i wouldnt think of you as selfish...
thats exciting .. im not good at melons either, i dont know if its me, the soil, the lack of bees? or of course a combo of all and somethings i still dont know about!
from 2 watermelon vines i got 1 melon about the size of a softball, and from 1 honeydew vine i got 1 melon a little bigger than a...
injunjoe, yes .. yes that is a huge fig tree, my husband thinks about 30 feet tall, we (I) are trying to learn more about the care of our yard .. the fig tree is 24 ish years old, i didnt know you have to maintain it - still learning .. lilbits loves the fig tree and our olive tree, so do the...
to funny cuz i was thinking the same thing .. i googled images of ladybug eggs and they show the eggs as yellow kind of bright yellow ..
from this website i got:
"When trying to identify ladybug eggs, look for tiny, yellow, oval-shaped eggs that are...
HiDelight have you seen this website?
i thought of you when i pulled it up .. again i find myself learning from you, i never never knew there were so many varieties of garlic (much less tomatoes!) ..
their farm is so close to us, we are going to visit...
injunjoe, your cat looks soooo much like one of mine, she's since passed and i tried like mad to find a picture of her, we still have her brother with us .. i think iris and my guys are cousins ..
beefy i LOVE that shot of your baby sleeping in the tree!
deenamr i hope suzie is found safe and...