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  1. DrakeMaiden

    DH wants to rip out my indian corn!!!!!

    Maybe you will get lucky and they won't both tassel up at the same time. :)
  2. DrakeMaiden

    DH wants to rip out my indian corn!!!!!

    Here is an article on this issue that you might find helpful.
  3. DrakeMaiden

    DH wants to rip out my indian corn!!!!!

    I think it is true that it will affect this year's corn crop. Maybe you can cut the indian corn tassles when they show up and use them to hand pollinate just the indian corn? I would hate to rip out the indian corn. Corn can pollinate other plants within a one mile radius.
  4. DrakeMaiden

    Has anyone given up on carrots?

    I think growing carrots is one of those situations where persistence pays off. The first time I grew carrots I didn't have any problems, they just took a long time to grow. Last year my spring-planted carrots were slow to come up and slow to grow and I ended up harvesting some decent ones...
  5. DrakeMaiden

    Overgrown Tomatoes

    Just call me the jolly green garden wrangler! :gig Unforunately I am just not agile enough for a trapeze! :lol: Though I could see the utility in climbing up onto one and then dangling down to pick the tomatoes! :P
  6. DrakeMaiden

    I don't know what to do with these peas!

    I made mushroom fried rice. It is pretty quick to make. But I prefer them fresh, as a side to a portabello "burger", instead of potato chip. :D I must like to pair mushrooms with peas for some reason. :lol:
  7. DrakeMaiden

    Feeding tomatoes with rotten egg

    OK, reading the title of this post made me want to :sick :sick :sick There is a difference between a rotten egg and an old egg. If you have ever cleaned up the bad eggs from a broody's nest, you will know what I mean. :sick Anyway, other than my own hang-ups on rotten eggs, yes, as others...
  8. DrakeMaiden

    Had to brag...bigger garden planned for next year!

    :weee Good luck in your new gardening space! It never seems like you can have too much!
  9. DrakeMaiden

    Gardening Mistakes

    Too much organic matter in my oldest bed. My soil has been such crud that I didn't think I could overdo it. Now my zucchinis are sulking because they are probably water logged. :( Oh well, of crops to lose I guess zucchini isn't one I'm too upset over. :weee
  10. DrakeMaiden

    Overgrown Tomatoes

    Thank you, Ron! That is a great tip about taking cuttings. I never tried it before, but this year I accidentally broke one of my tomato stems as I was planting and noticed it had little root nodules on the stem, so I just planted that too, just in case. Well, it did root! I have only grown...
  11. DrakeMaiden

    Overgrown Tomatoes

    I used the thickest bamboo I could find as stakes and then used twine between the stakes, but that is not good enough. No, I'm actually not bragging. We had to lift the tomato stems with a board onto two saw horses, because my attempts at restraining them were pitifully inadequate. I am...
  12. DrakeMaiden

    Overgrown Tomatoes

    I have never had tomato plants get as big as mine are this year. They have overgrown my wimpy support system. I think it would take cattle panels to corral them. They are in a hothouse and metal is not supposed to be good for staking plants when temperatures get super hot. Does anyone care...
  13. DrakeMaiden

    Volunteer Plant - Never seen them in our yard before. Growing fast

    I'm not sure what type of sunflower that is . . . but the sprout in the front looks really cute to me. :D
  14. DrakeMaiden

    Raspberries any one???

    I have made jam by passing seedy berries (raspberries and blackberries) through a food mill. I get most, but not all, of the seeds out without much loss of berries. I guess technically that isn't jam though.
  15. DrakeMaiden

    patchouli, ok I am tipping my hand about my life in the 70's :)

    When I first met my husband he used this patchouli essential oil stuff that for whatever reason . . . :love Good luck with your patchouli project, HiDelight! Oh, and what is the deal with snoopy neighbors? When I had my grow lights up in my bedroom for spring veggie starting, we had these...
  16. DrakeMaiden

    The butterfly garden.

    It is so fun to see nature find your garden. I am working on getting my bee and butterfly garden going, but it hasn't been my highest priority. I think I have gotten more hummingbird planting done in the last few years, because this year the hummingbirds are really going to town on all the...
  17. DrakeMaiden

    The great garlic experiment

    Oh, I see how it is, BBH! :tongue ;)
  18. DrakeMaiden

    Need advice and suggestions on what to do with this space.

    FYI (not sure if you already know this or not), you can prune those butterfly bushes back to 6" every spring and they will grow back to about 6' or so, but it will keep them in-check. My mom has some that she was afraid to prune and they are probably over 10' tall and very out of control. I...
  19. DrakeMaiden

    Need advice and suggestions on what to do with this space.

    I agree, you should do a herb and drought-tolerant flower garden. I have started a similar project. Space for paths and/or chairs and a table would be nice too. My plan in my own garden was to include drought tolerant flowers that attract butterflies and bees. You might consider adding a row...
  20. DrakeMaiden

    When to plant fall crops?

    Or do a google search. You can often find that information on-line. It really depends more upon your average first frost date than it does on your USDA hardiness zone.