I just noticed what I believe to be scabs on the tiny fruit of my tree. It looks like it is going to be a good crop this year, and I don't want to lose it due to the scabs. Is there a natural way to treat this fungus?
No farmers markets in the winter--they won't be opening up until about June, sadly. I'm going to head into town tomorrow and stop at the only grocery store that has an organic section, and see what I can get.
right, so I guess what I'm asking, :) is- is this rabbit poo (RP) an amendment or a fertilizer. The reason I mixed it in with the clay, is, well, because it is clay, the RP mixed in makes it a much more workable substrate. So in this sense it is being used as an amendment. But will the...
thanks. I wil definitely be adding more organic to it in the future, but I was just wondering if this mixture would be safe to plant in- in a months time.
First, your welcome --any time!
and second, these raised beds are really not that big so I could probably get away with buying a coupla bags from the grocery store or gardening centre. Around here it is really very difficult to find "real" topsoil by the truckload.
So it's been over two weeks for sticking some toothpicks in some sweet potatoes. I started with them up one way, and after not producing any slips, I flipped them over, and still nothing. They are in a warm spot. And I started out with what I thought were good yams. Is there anything I'm...
My son and I just built four raised beds, and filled them with a mix of our lovely clay soil, and rabbit poo. We mixed it quite well, and about half and half. We filled the beds about 3/4 full, as I wasn't sure if I needed to add top soil or not. What do the seasoned rabbit growers/gardeners...
My mom gave me a recipe to cut it in 1/4" to 1/2" pieces, dip in granulated sugar and dehydrate it--it should taste like sour gummies. First she tells me not to pick it this year, then she gives me a recipe too good to wait a year. Sheesh!! I will be trying it within a week.
Last year I transplanted some very mature rhubarb plants. This year, it is almost ready to pick, but my mom told me to wait two years. Every time I walk by it, it is really screaming at me to pick it-- it looks so good. Can I, or should I wait another year?
Thanks! I got topsoil. Underneath the raised bed is clay--the kind that potters could make pottery from. It was rototilled last year, the bed is raised up about 8 ", so I'll add this load (still need two more), and rototill it all in. Hopefully it will turn out all right. Nothing worse tahn...
I have just built a raised bed, and filled it in primarily with horse poo. The stuff I got, I thinkshould be aged enough. I am also going to add a load of either topsoil or compost.
The closest place to me who does soil testing is about an hour away, so therefore, I am not going to take in a...
I dont homeschool, but the kids and I discuss everything related to gardening--the soil, the seasons, plant growth, natural fertilizers, God. so many things to learn from putting your hand in the earth.
Hi, I am still trying to get rid of those nasty whiteflies--the battle is on, but they are not totally eliminated yet.
My question is--is it safe for me to start some seed indoors whil I still have whiteflies in the house, or will they succomb to the whiteflies.
To be started are some herbs...
I've sprayed (saturated) them with two types of recommended sprays, (at different times)and then put in bags over night, showered them in the shower, put the heavier plants outside (can't do this with all plants due the the wind we have here) I didn't know about the sticky traps though, and...
I have not been around here in a very long time, but now I come to you seeking help.
I have been battling white flies on my indoor plants for several years now. My 23 year old Hoya is now deceased. My 4 ft tall indoor orange tree is near death, and I have several other indoor plants that have...