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  1. S

    Bakashi Compost Activator

    I think what the person meant by being dangerous is that there is good bacteria and obviously bad bacteria and is his concern is that if you don't do it correctly it could be a bad thing. If you have ever had sour dough starter go bad then you know what I mean. Like anything you ferment stuff...
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    Bakashi Compost Activator

    I watched the video and a few others but they do not tell you how to make your own EM. They give you all the info on making your own bokashi but one of the ingredients is the EM which they don't tell you how to make or where to buy it and I have not seen it for sale. On one of the comment pages...
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    Rain beautiful rain.

    October has not been great for us weatherwise here in Massachusetts compared to what we usually get for fall. Usually its filled with nice crisp fall days, the kind where you don't really need a jacket and perfect for all outdoor activities, but its been off and on hard rain and some really cold...
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    What's your favorite apple(s) and why?

    I researched apple trees last year as well before choosing the varieties I went with. I wanted to make sure they were compatible pollination wise and have good baking and storage capabilites. I also wanted to extend the season for as long as possible so I planted types that would fruit one after...
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    Raspberry Growing Guide

    I planted 10 reds and 5 yellows along with 10 blackberries. I think all of them are growing pretty well, some of the blackberries are already getting flower buds. Its my first time growing them so time will tell how they do but I have been reading everything I can get my hands on regarding...
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    Ideas For Selling On Consignment - Local Farm Stand

    Do you have any restrictions as far as selling canned goods in your area? I am just asking because around here you need to have a commercial kitchen to legally sell jams and the like so I was wondering how it is everywhere else. It sounds like there are alot of people selling homemade items at...
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    Things I learned

    I also will never stick anything on the jars but I put stickers on the lids for our use and if I want to get fancy for gifts or sellling then I punch a hole in a cute handmade tag and tie it to the jar with some twine. I only can one type of thing each time, it gets too confusing and messy to...
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    10 Pints Peppers

    I have had that happen too. I am not sure what can be done but I know with pickles they make something to help them stay crisp. I saw it in Walmart one day and thought hmmm where was that when I needed it. I still haven't tried it since I haven't started canning yet this year but I wonder if...
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    FoodSaver questions...

    That is a great gift! I have been spending time pricing these and making comparisons. There are a couple of threads on the meatbird section of BYC discussing these. From what I have heard they are all pretty good some have a little more than others but they all do the job. A couple of them...
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    Ants Eating My Strawberries...

    I have used DE but have never used oyster shell. Its not that jagged like the de and its much larger. There is alot of stuff on the market advertised as oyster shell but is actually calcium chips but it looks the same and does the same thing. The only thing I have heard it used for in the...
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    First Garden Photos of the Year.

    Hi Jordan, Its great to see you. As usual your garden looks fantastic. You are good to your grandma for moving the garden for her. Don't forget to post pictures of how your garden progresses this summer. Natalie
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    What do you like for fly control?

    It true they aren't cheap, I pay $110.00 for the season but that is a 6 month supply with the double shipment they send in July so it works out to be relatively affordable. I think flies are just everywhere no matter what, I have 60 chickens, 16 turkeys and 6 goats, 5 dogs etc. flies come with...
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    The Dirty Dozen...12 most pesticide-contaminated foods

    Its good info to have and it feels good to know that on the dirty dozen list I grow all of my own except the cherries, but I don't buy them at the store either.
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    Stump Out

    I imagine it would make it rot faster. Go out with an axe every so often and hack away at it so the rotted part is knocked off to expose the good wood. There is another thread here somewhere from a week or so ago discussing the different ways to do this.
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    What do you like for fly control?

    I use fly predators from Spalding Labs also. You have to start early in the season before you even start to flies for them to work the best. Once you start seeing them around they are already hatching out more and more of those nasty disease ridden things, ugh I hate them. The fly predators...
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    Botanical pronunciation guide?

    Good to know, since I have been recently corrected on my pronounciation of Peony but then heard someone else say it exactly the way I do and I didn't know who was right or wrong anymore.
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    Note to organic gardeners. befriend a bee

    Your welcome Kevin. There are some motels right on that street. I know on the website last year they listed some motels and campgrounds in the immediate area and the motel was very reasonable, I want to say it was a Super 8 Motel. I am sure Dean has either listed it again in the updated web...
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    Puppy chewed Bark on Tree

    Sorry to hear that. I planted 20 fruit trees this year and some of them came with those spiral plastic trunk protectors but I bought some of the hard mesh type protectors from the Gardener's Edge to put on them. I have goats and a sheep who would love to girdle all of my trees if they had the...
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    Keeping up your garden....35 tips

    I have a workbench in the garden and my husband just bought me a beautiful old double basin soapstone sink that is going to be hooked up on side of the house near the garden hose, which is right close by. I know what you mean about having a scale to weigh your harvests, its convenient to have...
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    Braided Hibiscus

    Sorry, I never heard of a braided hibiscus. I have several hibiscus planted ( mallow) around either the beds or borders around my house and they get a couple of feet tall and bushy, nothing monster like though. As for windbreaks I had never thought about it. I don't have them up against the...