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    Rhubarb - What Else To Use It For?

    Thank you Hattie for the advice. Looks like I will have my husband do the digging ;) Thank You also Barefootgardener for all the lovely recipes!
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    byc member from MA new to this site

    Hello, Welcome to the Easy Garden. I don't know which exact zone you are in but I am in 6a according to some of the frost charts I checked our last frost should have been either april 30 or may 3 and we just had not too bad frost on the 9th and a more severe frost on the 10th so I doubt we will...
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    What NOT to plant next to each other

    I think the issue with planting squash varieties near eachother has more to do with the seed being affected than the fruit you will get this season. If you are saving seed then the cross pollination would be an issue for the fruits that particular seed will produce the following season. At least...
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    Name Your Heirloom Tomatoes For This Year!

    :ep Wow! You have more varieties than most seed catalogs! Glad to hear things are starting to settle down enough that you have time to post. Wishing you lots of luck with your garden, I would love to see pictures when you get all those tomato plants going gangbusters.
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    Buzzzzzzz..POW..O U C H !

    Plantain works the same way too, chew it up and apply it to the sting.
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    Unexpected frost got all my plants except a few herb that look bad but

    We had the frost warnings for the last two nights but nothing much seem to come of it the first night but last night they predicted it to be much worse. I went out and covered everything in my vegetable and perennial gardens and all the newly planted trees just to be on the safe side. I had no...
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    Rhubarb - What Else To Use It For?

    Well this is a timely thread, a friend of mine came by the house this week and wanted to know if I wanted to come over to her mother's garden and dig up her rhubarb plants. She said her mother isn't gardening anymore and she has some enormous plants and thought of me so her daughter swung by and...
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    Got some kiwi vines at the herb fair...

    I have the hardy variety which are the smooth grape like ones but all kiwi need ALOT of room to ramble and good strong supports. My father had the hardy kiwi as well and his is more established but he gets literally thousands of kiwi each year. Some are known to have harvests of 100lbs per year...
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    Where is HiDelight??

    I am not on here everyday because things are busy but the last few times I realized the last few times I was here that I haven't seen Heidi aka HiDelight. Her last post was in February so I am wondering where she is. Has anyone talked to her, is she okay?
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    Gifts from Switzerland

    Very cute stuff! I love when people bring things back from their trips. My dad backpacks all over the world and he finds the most unusual things. Its nice to have good neighbors like that.
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    Designer would like to hear opinions about shed design

    Well for me its far too modern looking. Is that strictly for storage, it doesn't appear to be a garden type shed. I prefer a shed that you can sit at a potting bench and look out the window while you sort seeds. I could not see that being in someone's garden, that is why I ask if its a storage...
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    The Community Garden Project - The Easy Garden Community WEIGHS In!

    I know this is an older post but I am just getting caught up on this thread. You know you can buy a plant that deters dogs and cats from peeing in your garden, its called a Piss Off Plant. I saw them on line recently, it would be worth a try if the cat has made a habit out of it.
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    Never done cuttings before

    You will probably have better luck at a garden center. I have seen it sold online as well.
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    I hear ya, I don't wear them either unless I am going to a wedding or a funeral but I buy them on clearance for the tomatoes.
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    How big is your garden/how large is your family?

    Hi and Welcome! Sorry to hear about your leg. I hope you are back on your feet soon so you can enjoy the beautiful summer weather. So for comparisons. We are a family of 9, the girls will be home from college this summer so I will have all 7 kids full time to feed. I have a couple of...
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    I use the stakes as well but I tie them with knee highs or pieces of pantyhose. They are quick and easy to tie, they hold tight and don't squeeze a growing stem.
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    Late squash planting

    There is some info here that tells about companion planting and what will deter different pests.
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    new sign added

    Those are lovely. My best friend painted me a garden stone before she died and she never had the chance to give it to me. Her sister found it later when she was out in the barn, that is where she left the stones to dry. She knew it was for me since it had my name on it and brought it over to...
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    Combine Plants to Rid Enemies

    You are welcome! Its been my planting bible this summer. I am strictly doing companion planting to improve the health and flavor of my vegetables and hopefully also to improve my yields. Its good because it has encouraged me to try planting things together that I would never have thought to do...
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    Eight great perennial vegetables almost anyone can grow

    I grow rhubarb, asparagus, garlic and the bunching onions already but I may have to add a few more. I am a big fan of perennial veggies and herbs. This year I added several more perennial herbs that are good to add to salads. Some you can use more than others in a salad and some just a couple...