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  1. S

    Combine Plants to Rid Enemies

    This is what I use
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    Late squash planting

    The neem is probably a good idea to try, it definately won't hurt. I direct plant nasturtium seeds when I plant my squash seeds. I had read that it repels them but who knows exactly what it does. I read that you could plant a trap crop but I can't remember what it was, I'll have go back and...
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    Note to organic gardeners. befriend a bee

    Its nice to see so many beekeepers here. I agree about wanting pollination over honey. I do all foundationless frames in my hives and I use the crush and strain method so I never have a frame get reused and I never have to worry about chemicals in my wax. Everything I plant is bee friendly...
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    I grew it in my perennial garden last year and planted seeds in my strawberry and tomato beds this year. Its very easy to get going from direct sowing seeds.
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    Anybody grow grapes & fruit trees together?

    Goats will eat the grape vines regardless of how high up you trellis them because they will girdle the base of them. They love to debark trees, ask me how I know.
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    Guess what! Marigolds and chickens!

    I checked out her list, some of the things she says her chickens leave alone mine destroyed. The lavendar, iris, lambs ear, yarrow and salvia were torn up bad and she said hers didn't bother them so you never know. There are many other things my chickens could forage on, they have an unlimited...
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    need advice

    I think its best to plant in the garden but this is the wrong season for planting garlic, that usually gets planted in the fall and harvested in the summer. Can you put a wood frame around them in the garden to keep them organized?
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    dwarf root stock?

    Just reread what you wrote so nevermind.:lol: I don't know that answer:D
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    Peach tree planting ?

    Plant them where you want them to be in regards to aesthetics. All the peach trees I have seen are self fertile, thats not to say there couldn't be some that need pollination. Many times something will say "self fertile but produces better with another type" either way you are covered with the...
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    Maybe You want a Greenhouse but I . . .

    I have always loved those types of tree houses for adults. Heck I would't even mind a kids' type. My neighbor has a tree house with a zipline running from it to a huge tree and its a great little set up. I want one with lights and the whole shebang, how cool would that be to hang out in. I guess...
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    dwarf or standard?

    I don't know, I have researched these myself and the dwarf and semi dwarf trees fruit anywhere from a couple to a few years before standards. From one of the charts I found it said that dwarf trees will fruit 2-3 years after planting,semis fruit 3-4 years after planting and standards fruit...
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    Easter Baking/Cooking

    That looks delicious. I am a bread person, not a fan of regular sandwich bread but those specialty breads, mmm mmm. I have to do my baking tomorrow. I just got my kitchen floor refinished and couldn't walk on it until last night and I had to clean that wood dust off of everything in there, so...
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    Planting Fruit Trees

    I have never mixed anything into the holes when I plant trees because thats exactly what the people at the nursery told me, that the roots would stay where they were since they didn't have to go out and search for nutrients. The new fruit trees I just got said the same thing on the guide they...
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    I am so bad . . .

    It happens to me too, last Mother's Day I asked for some truckloads of loam as my gift and my kids were yelling at me about it saying that they weren't buying me dirt for Mother's Day, they did finally agree to give me gift certificates to our local nursery though. My husband gave me a...
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    free seed packet...

    I got them for free too from Bakers Creek so I started them indoors a couple of weeks ago and they took right off. I hope they do well because they sound really good. I have noticed that alot of places are giving out free seeds this year, so far I have gotten free watermelon, tomato, corn...
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    Moon and Stars Watermelon

    I have some seeds for the moon and stars, I tried them last year but they didn't develop. It could have been that we just had such lousy weather, many things didn't pan out last year for gardeners so who knows. I will probably try them again this year since I still have seeds, I also have...
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    Rabbits and Goats and Chickens, OH MY!

    I have goats, rabbits and chickens too and I have been using the rabbit poop right in the garden. I have always aged the chicken poop in the compost for close to a year. This is the first year with goats and sheep and I was told that could go right into the garden too. I have been putting it...
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    Growing your own mushrooms?

    The only problem with those is that they are at least 2-3 times more money as the outdoor ones and you get much less from them. I looked at those myself but couldn't justify the cost when I could get 100 dowels for 10-12 dollars. Those kits cost $35.00-40.00 for anywhere between 2-5 lbs of...
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    Growing your own mushrooms?

    They do have a few that grow on sawdust and they also have some that are in an oil form but all of these I believe produce a smaller number of mushrooms compared to putting 100 dowels into a log. I went to an agricultural fair and one of the food vendors sold all types of lunches with all...
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    Growing your own mushrooms?

    Also, there are some places online selling dowels for three times what other places do so shop around and get to know what you are buying. The cheapest place and the most known one is Fungi Perfecti. If you can't grow them due to the wood available you could consider innoculating a patch in...