Garden Ornament
I have 3 rabbits, 2 goats, and 9 chickens. They poop.

Now i know chicken poop its very hot and should be composted...
Can I just go "rake out" the rabbit and goat pellets and throw them under the mulch around the plants?
What about making compost tea for the goat and rabbits poops?
I have the double knock out roses that I was a bad mom to. I left them in their pots ALL winter long on my sidewalk. Some are starting to grow leaves and some are just sticks that I cut back to almost the ground. I removed the dirt from them and saw a few fuzzy roots so I decided to give them a chance. Which poop would be the best for them?
I also have other herbs, angel trumpet, lilies, and various other flowers..
Is adding poop and then adding compost tea too much?