Glad you had fun with the goats!
I just learned to milk a goat for the first time recently.
Its fine once you get the hang of it, it has a rhythm to it after you get going.
My doe gave birth to twins two weeks ago and I can now add milk maid to my list of job titles around my house. :lol:
I love...
I hate starting seeds in side, hate it. Love to direct sow.
I have to start some inside that you cannot direct sow but I am dragging my feet on it and should already have started.
It just seems that the trays are always in the way and the kids like to "look in" on them and stuff like that.
I thought the exact same thing! I would love to have all that pure maple syrup.
I can't stand that fake garbage they sell in the supermarket called pancake syrup which is really flavored corn syrup so I only buy the pure kind but its expensive and goes fast in my house because I make maple...
Rosalind, how long did it take for your apple trees to start producing?
I have some dwarf/semi dwarf apple trees that are the antique varieties and wondering if they really do start to produce that much earlier than the standard.
I was told they should start to produce in 3-5 years depending if...
Seeds can last a few years under the right conditions, just plant extra if you are worried about germination.
I highly doubt they will be a dud, just a little less germination.
I know people that have had success doing it with straw right from the beginning.
I started with the soil last year and ended up switching to straw when the plants started to get so high, it does get wet and smellly though, especially last year with all the rain.
I did this last month. I used up everything that was left and bought all new ingredients for the upcoming meals.
I stocked up on new spices and dry goods, processed a bunch of chickens yesterday and have a side of beef.
It feels good to start fresh and not have that old bag of green beans...
Okay, I found a use for the woodchips, they play king and queen of the hill.
This is Lilly here but all of my animals are using it like this, all the goats, the sheep and the 5 dogs think its the greatest thing ever.
I have no idea what they will do without it.
Never heard of that.
Around here though we traditionally plant our peas on
Saint Patrick's Day because by then we are itching to plant something and peas are the only thing that can go in that early around here so its the St. Patty's day peas.
I have all various sized raised beds in my garden and I set them up so it looks pretty.
I like having the small, medium and large for different things.
I have some that are 4x4 like you said, mostly use those sizes for beets and radishes.
I use the 4x8 foot beds for tomatoes and things that need...
Well, if I read it correctly it appears they are saying that New England will have warmer than normal temperatures.
Even though we had alot of rain we did have some very hot days, we went to the beach at least 15 times last year.
Either way, I already ordered some seeds that were recommended by...
I grew the Scarlet, Sunset and Golden Sunshine Runner beans this past summer.
They all did well but the Scarlet took off like crazy and the color is so bright.
The other colors I had were a light pink and a peach, still very pretty though.
I tried the Painted Lady runner beans once but I can't...
Heidi it is very upsetting for sure. I was just telling my kids today that they have no idea how lucky they are to have what they have.
All the things my kids take for granted, a warm bath, heat in their house, warm clothes, food, a bed to sleep in, an education and people that love them are...