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  1. T

    Any Secrets to BIG Pumpkins?

    I bought some Burpee seeds for those Giant Pumpkins and planted some of them. I now have two good healthy plants growing next to each other. I am planning on cutting the smaller one out. I planted them in compost, and I have been builing up a small mound of compost, banana peels, and grass...
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    If its a disease... I've caught it!

    I started laughing while I was reading this. Just your luck! :lau
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    Will a shamrock plant live outside?

    I've seen it done here in Ohio, I was kind of surprised by it, but it looked fine. It wouldn't hurt to try.
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    Something in the stems of my zucchini plants

    It definitely sounds like a vine borer. If you could locate exactly where it is, you may be able to make a small cut up the stem (rather than across it) and extract the culprit.
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    A Zucchini !!!!!

    I love zucchini. :love I think I have 15 plants in now. Mmm, Zucchini bread!
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    Gardengirl- watermelons??

    I think I have 5 up total. One in the garden, and 4 in a seperate row in another part of the yard. The plant in the garden looks pretty pathetic though.
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    Gardengirl- watermelons??

    I'm also trying to grow icebox melons (Burpee's Bush Sugar Baby) I just planted them a week ago, so they wouldn't be up yet anyway. I'll keep you updated.
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    Blueberry/Raspberry/Blackberry plants..Do they need full sun?

    I think the raspberries/blackberries would do better in the shaded part than blueberries.
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    What is wrong with my APPLE trees???

    I would say it is fire blight, Check out the last picture on here :
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    DOG POOP TEA - any benefit??

    I wouldn't do it. Dog Poop can carry pathogens, and if you can't put it in the compost, there is no way I would get that crap ( :lau ) anywhere near my plants. Anything left over after making tea would likely contain the same diseases or pathogens to introduce into the compost pile. I wouldn't...
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    :ep You are SO Lucky!
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    Watermelon, Okra & Squash

    What does Okra taste like?
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    Compost Safety?

    If I were you, I would compost it a little more just to make it safe. Especially with the weed (not pot) seeds already sprouting up in it. If it didn't kill the seeds, it definitely wouldn't kill any pathogens. Plus, you don't want a bunch of weeds in your garden anyway.
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    Can you ID this plant?

    I don't think it is both. I grew zucchini last year, but not pumpkin. I would say that this is part of the "guts" of either a zucchini I grew, or a pumpkin I bought. Will I be able to tell what it is before it bears either a pumpkin or a zucchini?
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    Can you ID this plant?

    It was growing in one of the flower beds, I know it is some kind of squash thing (cucumber, zucchini, pumpkin) but I don't know which one. I transplanted it into the garden, but it would help if I knew where to put it.
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    A few garden pictures (plus an extra or ten)

    Very nice photos! I really like the dog, I don't understand why you didn't name him Ike. :hu
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    Compost Safety?

    My biggest concern would be weed (not pot) seeds. If the compost didn't get hot enough (I think 160*F) the weed (not pot) seeds could still be viable.