Garden Ornament
Here is one of my watermelon patches with tomatoes posing in the background
Some Okra plants (with weeds posing as well
Some russet potatoe plants that I have absolutely no idea if I am doing right
Some of the blue potatoe plants that are trying to recover from being transplanted out of the bed that I put fresh chicken poo in (like an idiot)
One of the guilty chickens who didnt warn me not to put fresh chicken poo in a garden bed. I should cook her. Good thing she lays lots of eggs
A view of the field that next spring is going to become a VERY BIG garden
Another view of said field
Two piles of horse manure. One is for spring 2010 and the other which will be MUCH larger will be for 2011 with all kinds of leaves, coffee grounds, vegetables, etc etc. In the background is another watermelon patch with four corn plants.
Some more guilty chickens, I have 19 girls. They are about 5 months old I expect
More tomatoes
Tomato plants posing
This is Brutus the dog. He wandered up after Hurricane Ike at my sisters house. He's a keeper. If it moves in the yard, he'll kill it. I've seen him eating snakes. He's a good boy (he's a meathead really but I tell him he's a good boy)

Some Okra plants (with weeds posing as well

Some russet potatoe plants that I have absolutely no idea if I am doing right

Some of the blue potatoe plants that are trying to recover from being transplanted out of the bed that I put fresh chicken poo in (like an idiot)

One of the guilty chickens who didnt warn me not to put fresh chicken poo in a garden bed. I should cook her. Good thing she lays lots of eggs

A view of the field that next spring is going to become a VERY BIG garden

Another view of said field

Two piles of horse manure. One is for spring 2010 and the other which will be MUCH larger will be for 2011 with all kinds of leaves, coffee grounds, vegetables, etc etc. In the background is another watermelon patch with four corn plants.

Some more guilty chickens, I have 19 girls. They are about 5 months old I expect


More tomatoes

Tomato plants posing

This is Brutus the dog. He wandered up after Hurricane Ike at my sisters house. He's a keeper. If it moves in the yard, he'll kill it. I've seen him eating snakes. He's a good boy (he's a meathead really but I tell him he's a good boy)