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    Gigantic green worm thing eating my tomatoes

    I read that Calendula keeps Tomato Hornworm away.
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    Fish Emulsion

    Yes, it wouldn't be the greatest, but, at the store they are basically crammed into smaller tanks, and when they finally attain their freedom, they are usually fed to other animals. This would give them 110 gallons to swim around in.
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    Rain barrell

    I have two off of one of my downspouts, they got rain in them for the first time yesterday. :woot
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    Fish Emulsion

    I was thinking about putting some goldfish in my rain barrels. Supposedly they keep the bugs down, and, they release emulsions. Smells like the ocean... strange. :lol:
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    It Rained! / Rain Barrel Questions

    Well, I just went out and checked it again, it looks like the water is now basically clear. On the bottom there is some dirt (which is probably what made the water brown) and, the things floating in it are just bits of leaves and plastic shavings from when I first assembled the barrel. This...
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    It Rained! / Rain Barrel Questions

    No, they are closed top and are linked with a pipe at the bottom. When it first started raining, there were twigs and leaves going into the barrel, so, I set up some (quarter inch?) hardware cloth to keep the big stuff out. I just did some research on this too, and, it doesn't look like it...
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    It Rained! / Rain Barrel Questions

    No. It rained yesterday, and that water went into the barrels, then I drained the barrels to get the "dirty water" out (it was the first rain in a week and a half) This water looks better than that, and has now settled out some. It looks kind of yellowish now. :hu
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    It Rained! / Rain Barrel Questions

    Does your water come out brownish gray? Are you dead? :lol:
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    It Rained! / Rain Barrel Questions

    It rained pretty hard here, and both of my rain barrels are about 1/3 of the way full. The only problem is that the water in them looks brownish gray rather than clear. What could be causing this discoloration? Is it safe to use this water on vegetables? Or, should I save it for decorative...
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    You HAVE to LOOK at this! Amazing!

    OK, Question: Is there anyway to attract amphibians to your backyard without a pond? I would like to try to do my part to preserve them, but, I didn't know if it would be possible to do so without a pond.
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    any advice for live-trapping red squirrels?

    You didn't send any to me? :( :lau Too bad you don't live in The US, you could just pop a couple of those in a flat rate box and have them on their way here. :lau
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    What is eating my bush beans?

    Does this look like it?: I think that this may be slugs, as I found one on their leaves yesterday. I heard that putting coffee grounds around the base of the plants helps.
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    any advice for live-trapping red squirrels?

    I would try berries or mealworms, I think both of those would be pretty attractive to them. After you catch them, send them here, I love me some squirrels. :love
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    caster beans as a 'fence'?

    I would stay far, far away from castor beans. The beans themselves contain ricin, as little as 0.5 milligram of ricin can kill an adult. I wouldn't try it.
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    My Garden Isn't Doing Too Well - Thanks Everyone!

    Thanks for the help/encouragement! I will be sure to stay away from the pasta in the compost from now on. The pesticides on the fruit peels was my main concern. But, there shouldn't be that many on there by the time they get to the table, and anything that is left (if anything at all) should...
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    My Garden Isn't Doing Too Well - Thanks Everyone!

    Ok, where to start. :D I can see the weeds sprouting up already. I can't really do anything yet, because most of the seeds that I planted still aren't up yet. Would it make sense to mulch the garden when the good seeds do come up to keep the weeds down? It is sooo dry here, there hasn't been...
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    Is there a vegetable that I NEED to Plant?

    I don't think I have any up yet :/ . No zucchini, carrots or corn :( They should pop up anytime though
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    Ground Cherries - I'm doing it wrong

    I just can't seem to be able to grow ground cherries! I have tried starting the seeds three times, from two different sources and nothing has happened. Other plants ( like tomatoes) grew great in the same conditions. So I don't know why these won't. Does anyone have any suggestions as to what...
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    Best Flowers for Cut Flowers

    Thanks, any advice is appreciated. Also, thanks fore the flower suggestions, I will have to look into them. Does anyone else have any suggestions?
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    Disease? Bugs? Squirrels? - Holes in Bean Leaves - Picture added

    Here is a picture of one of the plants, they all basically look like this :/