Deeply Rooted
(they're eating my iris flowers, among other things, although that is not the main reason I want them gone).
For the first time in 6 yrs we've got squirrels living here, a pair of red squirrels that has now sprouted at least 4 juveniles. I would like to try to trap and remove them ASAP, before there is another litter to worry about (both in a population sense, and in the sense of not wanting to set traps if the female might have a litter in the nest).
I am NOT PROPOSING TO DISCUSS the pros and cons of trapping, what is done with livetrapped animals, or seasonality or lack thereof.
But as I cannot get the rotten little things to GO INTO THE TRAPS
(2-door havahart live traps, small squirrel size) I was hoping that someone might have some successful experience to report on, in terms of bait or any other encouragements.
It is very frustrating, they are very tame and go everywhere (including running over my feet) but will not go into the dern peanutbutter-and-seed-baited trap. I'm halfway tempted to just try to grab or net the stupid things
Thanks for any suggestions,
For the first time in 6 yrs we've got squirrels living here, a pair of red squirrels that has now sprouted at least 4 juveniles. I would like to try to trap and remove them ASAP, before there is another litter to worry about (both in a population sense, and in the sense of not wanting to set traps if the female might have a litter in the nest).
I am NOT PROPOSING TO DISCUSS the pros and cons of trapping, what is done with livetrapped animals, or seasonality or lack thereof.
But as I cannot get the rotten little things to GO INTO THE TRAPS

It is very frustrating, they are very tame and go everywhere (including running over my feet) but will not go into the dern peanutbutter-and-seed-baited trap. I'm halfway tempted to just try to grab or net the stupid things

Thanks for any suggestions,