Thats what I was thinking, we haven't had any real significant rainfall in a long time and even my fields are just so dry and hardly anything has grown. The only thing doing super awesome is the dandelions LOL.
Yeah most of them are only a couple years old, though we have that gigantic crabapple down the driveway which I may fertilize. The poor thing needs pruning badly but I wasn't even sure it'd survive the bugs last year and I forgot to dormant spray it this year. It set leaves faster and it was...
I haven't anything that is composted if that matters. Mine having been setting leaves, I'm really at odds because last year they had lots of leaves and quite a few buds but this year they have buds coming out first and hardly any leaves. My younger ones are doing better and I have one older one...
Just wondering what I should use to fertilize my apple trees, I read somewhere about sprinkling 1lb for ever year the tree is in age (up to 6lbs per tree) of 20-10-10 around the dripline of the tree and then watering. It also stated doing it once in March and again in May. Since we get a lot of...
How would one go about treating this? I appears that 2 of my Nectarines have Gummosis, there is a split in the bark down at the base of the tree, they've been in the ground for a year and I just recently noticed the splits. The trees have set leaves and they have some flowers.
ETA: I can't tell...
I guess that kind of makes sense too because in the 5th year you're more likely to get a bigger crop as your tree is older and has been establishing itself all those years ;)
Haha well we went to the garden centre, they were sold out of Dolgos but they're getting more in Friday so we're going to call on Friday and have them keep one aside for us to pick up that day. They're more expensive, at $114/tree but we spoke to the nursery guy and our apples should pollinate...
lol the Dolgos are supposed to be one of the real fruiting varieties rather than one of the ornamental fruiting that you can eat. We have 2 Royalty Crabapples in the front garden. So that would mean then that I could buy 1 Dolgo Crabapple and my apple trees may pollinate it if they flower at the...
Okay Planted Today...
Sugar Snap Peas
And tomorrow goes in the rest of the Potatoes
and *hopefully* 2 new Dolgo Crabapple trees! I'm hoping to convince mum we need to buy 2 Dolgo Crabapples for the orchard since we're moving the raised bed garden closer to the house.
Not getting anything in the past probably has a lot to do with the fact that the tree was developed for long, hard Canadian winters ;) Which is something that England doesn't have :) With a later spring this year you may very well get some lovely fruit!
Okay so I found a supplier of Dolgo Crabapples, my next question is if I plant them in my orchard, across the orchard from my Apple Trees will they cross pollinate?
April 30th 2010
Wow I haven't posted in a long time! I planted my peas in the one bed with the trellis frame on it shortly after I posted the photos and they sprouted nicely! The only downside is that we haven't had a lot of rain so they're a bit stunted so this week I started watering them...
I covered mine last year with loose plastic, the kind you use for vapor barrier and I just lightly kind of tossed them on and secured them to some of the larger branches. Just make sure you're as careful as possible around those blossoms and smaller branches! I saved my nectarines last year...
I just planted another 20ft of peas, these ones are Snap Peas... Romaine Lettuce... and Spinach...because my barn kitties dug up my other seedlings and murdered them so I've covered them in plastic hardware cloth.
Putting out more carrots tomorrow, and Saturday go in the rest of the potatoes...
To my knowledge they weren't infected but the risk that they *could* be was too high, there are a lot of commercial apiaries around here and quite a few people who make a living off their own "back yard bees" so the potential for disease to spread is scarey.
When we had bees in the goat shed we couldn't have PAID a beekeeper to come collect them! They said the risk of disease entering their hives was too high and to just kill them. Every. Single. Beekeeper.
I'm zone 5b (zone 4 USA) and my potatoes are sprouting now in my paint bucket "beds" O__O we even had a little bit of snow and they're doing fantastic. I planted mine ohhh 2 weeks ago maybe? If you're zone 5 you're probably okay, if it snows just grab your trash cans or whatever and bring them...