Hattie the Hen
Deeply Rooted

I can't believe my eyes! For years I have tried to grow apricots; I have planted them in 3 different gardens without previous success. This present variety is called "Tomcot" & I bought it because the nursery said it had been bred in Canada & had been bred for long cold winters. It was 3 years old when I got it & cost a lot more money than I looked to pay. It has been in 3 years now & has blossomed well each year but I got no fruit at all. I was not impressed with it because it threw up a lot of shoots from just below the graft (I cut those off of course). But this year it suddenly produced a huge amount of flowers & kept them; I think this was due to the very late Spring this year (5 weeks late in my district). We haven't had a bad frost since the snows melted.........

Now the trick is going to be keeping the fruit on the tree -- I know they can suddenly all fall off, usually in June. We have just had our first rain in a month so I intend to put on another thicker layer of mulch to conserve moisture etc. Do any of you have any-more advice or tips for me as I just long to eat sun-warmed tree-ripened apricots from my own tree -- please help an old lady do this before I drop off my own branch.......

Happy Gardening & Great Harvests to you all ! :coolsun