I am interested in this too. I have bad luck with Pinetree last year, and I don't know if it is normal with them or not. I am not using them again though. I am planning to get some from Gurneys and Henry Fields, but I am looking more for heirloom seeds. I think I will try Bakers Creek, even...
Last year I ordered from Gurneys and Henry Field (to get two $25 off coupons) :lol: and Pinetree seeds. I was going with the adage that you get what you pay for, so I went ahead and ordered most of what I wanted from Pinetree.
I had horrible luck with Pinetree, and everything I got from...
I actually have canned before, water bath and pressure. :) I am planning to can a lot of beans and corn this year, and i also want to can a batch of meat birds this spring, so I have to have a pressure canner.
I think Rival is the brand Walmart had too.
What zone are they in? I am not sure, but I would bet you could. Especially if you had some protection on hand just in case. Like a row cover or something. Find out when their last frost is, that is a better guide to planting dates then the zone, I think.
As a side note, I am guessing, from "seedcorn"s name and location, that they are one of the few who are actually speaking from first hand experience, not from a movie. :)
Wow, this is very interesting. All I have to say, is the majority of people in this argument, (generally speaking, not just this argument on here. :) ) have never and will never perticipate in the ag work they are so critical of. Just like the big deal about how horribly animals are treated...
That is interesting, guys. I am thinking the window will work fine then, we have a lot of good light here, since it is so dry. (colorado) My windows upstairs are definitely cooler then any other place in the house, so I may try that.
I like the idea of getting light fixtures at thrift...
Come on, now, be honest... I KNOW you are all drooling over seed catalogs and making plans. That is what January is for!
So, what are you planning?
I am planning to grow three kinds of tomatoes, bell and hot peppers, three kinds of potatoes, several rows of green beans, a lot of winter...
I diddnt do to well last winter, though I did get enough tomatoes and peppers. I am really wanting ot do better this year.
My problems: last year I diddnt have enough space or lights, And I hated having the trays sitting everywhere around my kitchen. I am trying to convence DH that we need...
Don't say craigslist, either... I have been looking all year, and all I see are wanted adds instead of for sale adds. :) everyone wants to can I guess.
I would actually prefer something new anyway, so I will know the guage and seal are good.
I found some nice ones at Walmart this year, I...
Oh where to start..... :lol:
1. Started too late, so my peas diddnt do good, my tomatoes were growing in the hottest part of the year, my potatoes roasted.... did I mention it gets really hot here, really fast?
2. Tried to dig everything by hand... Broke three shovels, got great arm muscles...
Actually the first of mine flowered several weeks ago and they are no where near dying yet.
I think it can take longer then two weeks, right? It has been at LEAST three wees for mine, and they are still bright green and growing.
And my smaller ones flowered and are still little, like less...
A lot of mine are too, but know mine werent getting enough water. I am giving them more now, and I hope they have time to catch up. They dont like the heat either, if its been hot there. It has here.
I sure diddnt think mine took off, but I planted it a little later then I should have. I tasted one leaf raw, EWW yucky. But I hate raw spinach too. :lol: I cant wait to try it cooked, I am hoping it gives us a change of pace from the chard, which I love but it NEVER STOPS GROWING! :lol:
Mie havent all flowered either. I planted 10 lbs, and at last count I had 136 plants. :ep
My red pontiacs are the biggest, they are around 2-2 1/2 ft tall.
My russian bananas are small, some only 6 inches above the mulch, I mulched once. I know red pontiacs are fast growers, and I think...
Here is what I have heard you do:
Take the dates to maturity on your seeds, and add 14 days. (Plants grow slower in the shorter days of fall) If you dont know the days to maturity, on most pumpkins I believe it is 100- 120 days.
Count back that long from your last frost date, and see if it...
Whats the vinegar treatment? I have the same problem.
And I was thinking last of July, first of August, I am doing things like lettuce, beets, and I would like to try some broccoli and cabbage.
I picked two radishes today! They were a bit small, but they were crowding.
My tomatoes from seed are doing great, they were only one inch tall with the first set of real leaves when i set them out, and now they are about five inches and growing like weeds!
I have had trouble getting the...