Garden Ornament
Beth great site thanks I bookmarked it. 
Purple I got the sweet potato starts in pots right now as I am waiting for the tin to be removed then do a few mounds to plant them there, Maybe next weekend. Thanks again
I Went out this morning and took a few new photos.
Here you can see the scarecrows buckets are just about full of water. And that is just from Friday. You can also see how the Chard and lettuce have almost doubled.
And here is our fence garden and behind it are DH's bucket potatoes Each of these have increased in size as well.
We took some of the salad mix and a few spinach leaves and had them on our sandwiches at lunch
soo yummy
I have more lettuce seed to start more so I will sow some tomorrow.
I planted 3 Basil in between the tomato plants and some oregano too. :watering I moved 3 of the Tomato plants about 6 inches back as DH was complaining the the tomato would shade the basil out.
i didn't tell him I moved the tomatos as he planted them over a week ago. But the soil is nice that I was able to move them with no trouble. 
:happy_flower Karan

Purple I got the sweet potato starts in pots right now as I am waiting for the tin to be removed then do a few mounds to plant them there, Maybe next weekend. Thanks again
I Went out this morning and took a few new photos.
Here you can see the scarecrows buckets are just about full of water. And that is just from Friday. You can also see how the Chard and lettuce have almost doubled.

And here is our fence garden and behind it are DH's bucket potatoes Each of these have increased in size as well.

We took some of the salad mix and a few spinach leaves and had them on our sandwiches at lunch

I have more lettuce seed to start more so I will sow some tomorrow.
I planted 3 Basil in between the tomato plants and some oregano too. :watering I moved 3 of the Tomato plants about 6 inches back as DH was complaining the the tomato would shade the basil out.

:happy_flower Karan