They look great! We're going to add a couple of these to our "set up" this year as well...once "planting" season is over.
The classes sound wonderful...I'd love to find something similar around here :)
In general, I prefer to freeze them rather than dry them...they seem to keep their color and flavor better. For things I'm going to cook with, I put the fresh herb in my food processor with a little water and wiz it into not quite a paste. Then I put it in ice cube trays to freeze. When done...
I dunno about where you live, but here we have several "adult day care" centers where you can take a person for a few hours or a day, as your schedule suits. Maybe this would give you a little time to yourself? It would drive me crazy too to have that kind of room with so much potential, and...
Definitely going to check those books, MC...thanks for the post!
LOL, r4e...we pretty much did the same thing...just stuck it in the ground. It's done really, really well in terms of growth, just no fruit. We didn't get all fancy with a trellis; we had a wire shelf sort of thing left over...
I just love it when the sun comes back! :) We didn't provide any light in the coop for a couple months and production dwindled drastically. We finally added light about mid December and we're up to about 2 or 3 a day now. Not the 5 we got during the summer, but plenty for our needs. Since...
Hi All
Shamelessly promoting here :) I've created a Facebook page and group called Colorado Sustainable Urban Homestead Collective. My thought was that we as groups can do more than we as individuals. It's not political in nature in any sense of the word. What I'm trying to do is connect...
We put in a Concord grape a few years back and while it's growing like crazy, we've not seen a flower or fruit. I just recently discovered that they have to be pruned to produce! Not just pruned, but pruned hard. Of course, it's different for different kinds of grapes, but I discovered that I...
True story :) Willows LOVE water. You do need to be careful where you plant because of it, though. They have been known to send their roots a long way to sewer pipes and even break through them. But if you have an area away from such things, they'll drink up that water for you. Once there's...
That's a neat document, Journey, thanks for sharing the link.
I totally agree April...canning is like a drug, LOL. You start with the "soft" stuff....making a small batch of jam or jelly with some excess fruit, and before you know it, you're doing everything!
r4e, I know what you mean, meat...
My all time favorite flower is iris...the tall, medium and dwarf bearded ones. They're quite tolerant of neglect and different soil and a fair bit of drought. They do need to be dug and divided every 3 years or so, but that's about all the maintenance they need.
For bees, I'd look more at...
I did a LOT of potatoes last season...the first time I'd tried it and they came out well. I used the pressure canner, of course and they sort of caramelized a bit...they came out not white but a sort of beige color. Larger ones I peeled and cut into chunks, added 1 tsp salt to quarts, 1/2 tsp...
I've used newspaper and cardboard and even old carpet. The carpet will stay put usually, but the paper stuff definitely needs to have something on it to weigh it down.
Never thought about using feed bags...that's a great idea! Most of ours don't have any plastic in them, though, since we just...
That's what it looks like to me...a child's "saucer" with a tub on top. Bet you could find something like that at a thrift store fairly easily. It would work in the summer as well...sometimes I have trouble with trying to keep a regular wheelbarrow straight...I've got a bad hip and my balance...
We've had some really nice weather here but none of the "signs" are here yet :( The grass hasn't started to green and there are no buds or leaves or shoots yet, but winter seems to be on its (mostly) way out. We've had several nights where the chicken's water didn't freeze, so I take that as a...
I started there too, and still go once or twice a week. I found it a great resource for helping to decide what kind to get and how to feed and house them. I, too, avoid the "pet" part of it, LOL. My dogs are my chickens are for eggs! We did name them, but primarily for...
Frankly, I only pressure can stuff that absolutely has to be done that way. I can get 3 batches out of the water bath in the time it takes to do one in the pressure canner. I also find it easier, because I don't have to watch the dial. As long as the water's boiling, which doesn't take all...
Don't care how much he paid you for that comment, Monty...he's not getting out of the chore! ;) LOL
Thanks Steve. I hadn't thought about wind, but should have...we get plenty here. Although I like snow peas for fresh eating, I'm hoping to actually can some of the small early peas, so any...
I started mine from plants, so can't advise you on the seeds. We have it planted in a sort of semi-shady spot and make sure it gets plenty of water and it's doing great! Besides being great for poultices for bruises and such, the chickens love it and it makes a great compost starter!