Garden Addicted
Both recipes look GOOD! Though those pickled eggs need some hot peppers in there to really jazz them up!
I've never tried canning potatoes, It scares me for some reason. I think I read something about canning potatoes and not to do it at home. Do you have to process for a long time? or add lemon juice or citric acid? I'm now wondering where I read that about canning potatoes.MontyJ said:Canning is great! You have been given some excellent advice so far and I don't have anything to add, except that it can be addictive. We can all kinds of things. I have grape vines, peach trees, apple trees and strawberries, so we always have tons of canned jam and jelly. We can carrots and potatoes together. We cut them into big chunks for instant stew veggies during the winter. For green beans, I place a piece of smoked pork in the bottom of the jar (I don't like bacon because of the grease it produces). Then I layer cubed red potatoes and snapped beans into the jar until full. That's like a taste of summer in FebruaryWe also pickle beets and make a lot of dill spears (my personal favorite). We have canned corn, but found it ruins the flavor and now only blanch and freeze it.
Just start simple. Maybe you could borrow a pressure canner? If not, a water bath canner can do lots of things.