I didn't realize there was a spot that still had my old location. I am now in south-central Virginia. Our property is 112 acres total. We have about 60-70 acres of forest and the rest is pasture, buildings, and a pond.
I am going to have a few different garden spaces. One is an in-ground...
My current does are a 3/4 lamancha, 1/4 saanen named Rosie, two lamancha/Nubian/saanen does named Zipper and Hopper, and a 9 week old lamancha buckling named Rufus. I've always had lamancha or mini manchas before. They are my favorite goats. Harder to find them in my current area though.
I agree with you on the barn, lol. As much as I love growing veggies, I love my goats more and it's great to have a nice barn for them. We have two barns on the property but we are only using one right now.
This is our big barn that we are using.
Inside the big barn.
This is looking...
I love rhubarb. There is nothing better than rhubarb pie... Unless it's rhubarb jam (and don't spoil it by adding strawberries, please!) I've wanted to grow it for a long time but it never got cold enough where I used to live. Now that I live somewhere that actually has seasons other than warm...
I'm thinking that I want to uncover the raised beds that go around either side of the greenhouse, clean them out and put some good compost in there. I was thinking of making one side my strawberry bed and the other my asparagus bed. Anyone have any good tips for that? I believe the wood used for...
I love French breakfast radishes. Try are my favorite radish. Speckled Romans are new to me so I'm glad to hear they have been good for you. I've always done Amish paste and I've had black Krims at least one other year but I don't remember how they did. I'm hoping to get decent Brussels sprouts...
This is mostly just for me to keep track of some garden stuff this year. I have a some stuff started in my greenhouse and other things waiting to be planted when I can put seeds in the ground. My husband bought a few different kinds of corn but I will probably only plant two of them this year...
I have been carrying my flats back and forth right now. It would be nice not to have to do that! I have one glass panel where someone put a hole to apparently reach in and unlock the door. I need to have that repaired before I think about putting a heater in. I have some little space heaters. I...
Well it's been quite a while since the original project in this thread and I have been mia for some time. We started a business, moved to a new farm in So. Cal where I didn't have time to garden, then moved across the country to a larger farm where we are now. Anyway, a report on how the gutters...
That was me! I've had a busy few years. We still own the house with the gutter planter but I don't think our renters are using it. I think it has become just a decorative feature on the front of the house. I did enjoy it when we were there after I figured out the right drainage.
My new thing...
I've done vegetable gardening for many years now in Southern California where we can garden year round. At the end of last summer, we moved to south central Virginia and it's a whole different ball game! I've got some seeds started and I'm working on my garden spaces to get them ready. The farm...
I bought a couple pounds of worm castings yesterday with the idea that I could somehow use them to build up some poor soil in my front garden. The soil is already planted with squash and beans, so I can't just spread it and work it in easily. Should I just put the castings on top and then...
I'm off to the community garden this morning to do some planting. We started a new model at our garden where instead of having all individual plots, there are eight plots that several of us are all caring for and are going to split the harvest.
Thanks so much for all the great ideas! I've a lot to learn about flowers that's for sure. I'll probably be heading to the nursery tomorrow to see what I can get.
I am not much for growing flowers. I prefer veggies on the whole. However, I appreciate flowers for their ability to draw good insects to my veggies. I am looking for some good insect-luring flowers to plant in the blocks that line part of my garden. What might do well with a small space to...