My new lettuce gutters!


Deeply Rooted
Feb 15, 2009
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Well it's been quite a while since the original project in this thread and I have been mia for some time. We started a business, moved to a new farm in So. Cal where I didn't have time to garden, then moved across the country to a larger farm where we are now. Anyway, a report on how the gutters worked...

At first, they didn't work. Some parts were too dry and some parts stayed too wet. I think the quality of soil we used at first was poor as well. We worked on adjusting the drainage and put in better soil. We did get some lettuce to grow after a fashion. It was baby lettuce, but that is all I really expected or wanted from it.

So it did work in the end but it definitely required automatic watering and tinkering with drain holes a lot. I probably wouldn't do another setup like it unless I had no other space or deeper gutters. Right now, it is just a decorative feature of the house as our renters don't use it for planting.

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