I picked up some stuff from the farmers market this morning. I made a deal for all the paste tomatoes one vendor had left as I didn't plant nearly enough for my sauce-making needs this year. About 3lbs of jalapenos as all of mine are extremely slow to produce this year and I want to go ahead...
The recipe in the book I got doesn't add any acid. After doing more reading on the subject, I think I will go ahead and make it, but put it in freezer pints and just freeze it. I don't think I want to take the chance just water-bathing it.
I have quite a bit of pumpkin from my garden and found a recipe for pumpkin butter that I would love to use. The directions say to water bath it but I thought pumpkin couldn't be safely canned in a water bath. Is it ok because you are further cooking it? I have only gotten into canning more...
I just saw this post and looked up the differences between wonderberry and deadly nightshade. I think you may be correct and my plant isn't deadly nightshade. I still don't plan on letting it grow in my garden or use the berries, but it's nice to know the difference between the two.
I just finished making the caramelized onion jam that was posted on the blog of a BYC member (could be a member here as well, I don't know). I can't believe how great it smelled as I was making it! She just posted another recipe today for a garlic jam that I think I may have to try as well...
I grow bunching onions but I don't know if they are same variety as what you are talking about. I wasn't planning on them being where they are permanently, but they seem to like it there and have done extremely well. I use them in everything from salad to fried rice to chicken dishes. We have...
I have given up entirely. I would love to grow them but I simply don't have the space. I am getting ready to move most of my garden to the other side of my yard and if my husband doesn't mind me keeping the current space too much, I may keep it to grow melons and such in the future knowing...
Well, I ended up just making basic blackberry jam but substituted two cups of the blackberries for fig (I didn't have the ginger or liquid pectin called for in the frog recipe and didn't want to go buy some just for the jam). I added some lemon juice as well just in case it needed a little...
I found that one but I wasn't sure if I can go ahead and water-bath the jars and keep them in the pantry. The directions just say to keep it in the fridge. I am fairly new to making jams and canning so I wasn't sure if it would be a problem.
The FROG jam sounds really good as well! Thanks...
A neighbor just brought us 17 ripe figs from their tree and yesterday we picked about a half gallon of wild blackberries. I don't have enough of either one to make a full recipe of jam for one single flavor so I was thinking of making a fig-blackberry jam. Has anyone made this or seen a recipe...
I checked on my community garden plot the other day and found that it was completely overgrown. We worked at it for about 20mins (my husband and kids actually helped!), and managed to get all the weeds cleared away from the tomatoes and melons.
My tomato plants have grown very well and have...
That is the thing I need to remember. This time of year isn't that busy for me. Other than my tomatoes and zucchini, I don't have much going on in the garden. I am just waiting for the last of my pumpkins to ripen so that I can let the chickens loose on the spent plants. Being in southern...
Wow, I'm surprised to hear that since I was following directions from a book called Preserving the Fruits of the Earth and it gave directions on how to process tomatoes using raw pack and hot pack methods. I didn't add any extra liquid as it specifically said not to in the directions so it...
I did measure the headspace before I put the lids on. I think I just didn't squish them down enough so it left too much air in between. I think I'll use these soon and try again with some more maters.
I canned a couple quarts of tomatoes today for the first time. I followed the directions from a preserving book on raw packing them. Everything went fine and I liked how quick and easy it was. My concern now is that while they were in the water bath, they cooked down quite a bit and there is...
Sorry, I haven't heard of them nor have I been to any of those markets. I live about 25mins from the nearest one. Hope you get some input from someone.