I recently found out about two other community gardens in a nearby city. I drove by one of them the other day while taking my kids to camp. It looked like a great little garden! I'm glad to see other gardens around and hope that they continue to grow in number.
I have some that might work...
Zucchini flower:
Onion flower with bee:
Nectarine flower:
Plum flowers:
Mortgage lifter flower:
Baby green zebra tomato:
I made zucchini brownies (my husband looked at it while I was mixing it together and made faces like a two year old taking medicine), and a veggie dip that has zucchini in it. I haven't tried the brownies yet but the veggie dip is very good.
Nice blog! I loved looking at the garden pictures where you are talking about putting in raised beds. I just started putting in some raised beds this year and it sure does make a huge difference in the weeds! I'll add your blog to my list!
I haven't been blogging long but I'm trying it out...
Today, my youngest son and I made some pickles and plum jam. I can't wait to find out how the pickles taste since this was our first time attempting them. I posted some pictures on my blog .
That's the funny thing... I have no idea if they taste and smell right. I don't care for tomatoes and never eat them unless they are in a sauce or something like that. I planted several different varieties this year to try and find one I actually like. I will be using these for salsa later today.
I picked my first ripe heirlooms for the year today. I didn't think they were ripe since they still had some yellow stripes going down from the stem end, but when I squeezed them a little they felt a bit soft like a ripe tomato does. I picked four and cut one open and it does appear to be...
Can I use garlic straight out of the ground? I started to make some salsa tonight and found that I only have one little clove left. I have some garlic in the ground that is nearly ready to pull, but I'm wondering if I can pull some tonight and use it without letting it dry at all.
Well, I pulled a few of mine that were flowering (there were more than I realized). They had fairly small carrots, not any larger around than the stem. I will be pulling any that flower simply because I don't really want to collect the seeds from these and I can use the space for other things...
I will let you know how all the carrots turn out when I get some decent ones. The white ones I have had from other growers in the past haven't been as sweet as the orange ones. I've never grown them before, so this is a trail run for me.
The potatoes died. We were on vacation for a couple...
The ones in my bed that are flowering are the carnival, so a mix of several different colors. My red dragon carrots that I planted at the same time didn't do as well so I only have a few that are still growing, but they are growing normally, no flowering (the red dragon seed definitely came...
Great pictures hoodat!
Some of the early posters on this thread need to update the pictures that aren't there anymore...
Here is one of me and my husband during a recent trip to Alaska for our anniversary. We had been biking so it's not the best picture, but one of the few I could find with...