Deeply Rooted
I haven't had a problem commenting on any blogs...
Here's a great problem solver for ya... GET FIREFOX!!!journey11 said:With Internet Explorer, Vfem's page background is plain white and I can't get a comment through. It is like the boxes and buttons and everything are invisible.
The problem only seems to occur with Blogspot sites.
When I opened it with Wyzo (a different browser), I can see her background image for her page--a birdhouse on either side and also a scrolling decorative image on both sides. I never knew those were there before! (I remember you saying you had updated the look of your page sometime ago, but I couldn't tell what it was that you had added.) Wyzo will also let me comment. Everything is there and visible with Wyzo.
I had posted a comment on V's blog awhile back, when I entered a seed giveaway... No problems then!
Ol' Windows and IE are ALWAYS updating stuff. I think they messed the settings up with something they've done/added with an update. That's my theory anyway. I keep SAYING one of these days I'm gonna get a MAC!!!
I'll take a look at my browser settings and see if there is anything I can do to fix it. Not really sure where to start looking though!
Thanks for starting this thread, Rain. I never knew I was missing anything! I would still be in the dark...
ETA: Catalina and PottersWatch's pages appear to be the same when viewed from either browser.
DITTO!rainnotebook said:That sucks.I have you on my blog reader so when you blog next I'll be there reading.