I use canning jars to store my milk in since we don't buy milk from the store. I have used the tattler lids and rings on those jars, but haven't done any canning yet (I expect that will change within a week). I too was worried about how difficult it would be to get the ring to stay on the lid...
I finally got some pictures at my community garden today. The garden is a plot of land in the middle of a commercial district. The land belongs to one of the neighboring businesses who have allowed us to make it into a community garden. About half of the land is fruit trees and the other half...
I have about 6 or 7 fireworks tomatoes that just started to color up within the last day or two. Other than that, none of my heirlooms have anything but green fruit or no fruit at all.
Woohoo! I just planted some mortgage lifters (started plants from a nursery), so I don't expect to see any for a good long while. It's my brandywine that makes me think it's never going to fruit.
I am already looking towards what I want to plant next year. This gardening thing is addictive! I have plenty of seeds leftover from this year that I will be able to use again, but I just ordered these seeds from Seed Savers:
Squash, Buttercup OG
Squash, Table Queen
Bean, Calypso OG
I picked up a few more tomatoes today so my current list of varieties stands thus:
Black Krim
Green Zebra
Mortgage Lifter
Yellow Pear
Red Currant
San Marzano
I have a couple of hybrids also. I have really gone overboard with tomatoes this year... I don't...
I have kids but I don't think I would be offended at ranting about kids destroying your garden. No children should be playing on property that isn't their family's without permission. If I found out my kids had ruined part of my garden, let alone someone else's, I would be furious with them...
Last year I didn't have any trouble at all with corn worms. I had perfect ears from every plant. This year I planted in a different location (not sure if that had anything to do with it or not), and I just went out to check my corn to find that most of the ears had worms. I was able to...
Found a picture of my sister and I with some garden goodies:
My boys with some of last year's corn:
I need to make my boys help more with the garden, but I usually just let them do a little bit. I do have one who really likes to help with planting though. I do make a point to teach them...
I am going to go prepare and plant my community plot today (I hope). I have been sadly neglecting it for a while because I didn't have any irrigation set up and simply couldn't get over there every day to water like it needed. My husband got irrigation set up this last weekend so now I need to...
I picked up another roma and a yellow pear the other day. Since most of mine aren't ripe yet, I keep thinking that I just need more plants... that will give me the tomatoes I want... yeah...
My Mom planted a garden every summer that I can remember growing up and my sister and I were always asked to help with the weeding. I hated doing it, but considering how short the growing season was in Alaska, it probably wasn't all that much to ask. I do remember loving the fresh veggies that...