Yes there will still be a garden. And we are having our plant sale again this year. But I'm just cutting back a little bit.
It's amazing how quickly time goes by.
Well guys, I planted grass yesterday. The garden is going through another remodel. Now that I have a puppy.....we needed some running around space out there. I'm cutting back on the veggie section and yes......I planted grass.
:D Fingers crossed that it grows! :D
Nice blog! I like the round bricks you had in one pic - do you know what they are called? I've been looking for something like that to use for geocaches.
Here is my blog
Well......those months went by fast! :lol: With planting, vacation, work, canning and weeding I haven't been on TEG very much (ok at all).
The garden is growing (and the weeds). We had 5" of rain in the last 3 days, so it's all very wet too.
I always like to show off my tomato walls. :D
I'm working on a tutorial for building the 'walls', but it's not done yet. It's 2 10' EMT conduits, 2 3/4" connectors and some plastic netting. This is my 3rd year using them and I get tons and tons of tomatos. The walls really save a lot of...
Hi all! Thought you might like to see what our sale was like. There are a lot of pictures, so I posted all of them on my blog
It was really fun and exhausting! We are already planning for next year.
I think the grapes would eventually kill the apple trees. The trees wouldn't get enough sunlight. If they were large established trees it might not be a problem, but the grape will grow faster than the trees.
Good ideas!
We are having it at my parent's house. They live in on a residential street, but it is near a busy corner, so lots of traffic to see our sign! They also have a huge garage (in case it rains) and (if my dad every finishes it) small 8x10 green house.
Now my Grandma is getting in...
My family is having a plant sale in May. We started way too many plants - again. Last year we gave away all of our extras, but this year we decided to have a little plant sale.
My parents had a green house/florist shop before they retired, so they are pretty good at selling plants - ;)
I put all the beds in my garden on Tues. and put mulch around them.
Yesterday I set up 3 new compost bins, but it was too dark to take a pic by the time I was done. Now I have a trailer load of dirt in my driveway to move into the beds.
Still have to: Prune black raspberries. Get pond...
I use grass clippings in my raised beds as mulch and wood chips in between the beds.
I don't like to use wood chips in the beds, because they use up a lot of nitrogen when they start to break down. The grass clippings look nice, keep the weeds down and are a good fertilizer.