Chillin' In The Garden
I ordered a bunch of annual sweet pea seeds from Thompson and Morgan. I started them in a jiffy plastic topped seed starting kit. 2 varieties grew well and are now about 13" tall about a month later. The rest did nothing. I opened the jiffy pots and the seeds were mush. I started a new batch on the 31st. Should I be doing something special. I have never grown Sweet Peas before but I am hoping to plant a bed 25' long to cover an ugly fence. Any thoughts or suggestions would be great.
Zone 7 Memphis TN
Chatsworth and Apple blossom were the 2 that did well. Matucana, Rosea and Blue Ripple did nothing if that helps. I have about 6 more varieties due this week. I know America was one but I cant remember the rest.
Zone 7 Memphis TN
Chatsworth and Apple blossom were the 2 that did well. Matucana, Rosea and Blue Ripple did nothing if that helps. I have about 6 more varieties due this week. I know America was one but I cant remember the rest.