Okay I got a setvia plant this last summer but got no info with it. So here is my question are they perennial? I am in zone 5 and thought that having a sweetener plant to offset all the lugar we use would be nice.
Hi I am looking for the feet off of claw foot tubs for in my garden. Just the feet not the whole tub! Will pay 50 cents to $1 per foot depending on what for shape they are in. They do not have to be the same style or anything just just so they are the heavy cast. Can also be painted, really it...
It is that time of year again and I just wanted to let everyone know that I am taking orders for Christmas To please order early because I am stopping sales early in the season do to having a baby due in February. Please remember to check out my website and that any pet, chicken or other animal...
I was just wondering if anyone knew how fast they grew. I got some this summer from the local ag. They are tiny little whips about 1 foot tall and I was wondering how long it would take the to get 2-3 foot so hubby quits cutting them all off with the weed whacker.
my husband's grandfather told me that the easiest way to root a grape vine cutting was to plant it in a pot of damp sand. He was very good at this sort of thing. If you decide to go the cutting route give it a try.
And personally I would go with a peach mostly because I really like fresh...
defiantly will and will see if our dcnr office has anything available I didn't even think of looking there. Years ago my dad use to get from the fish and game commission small whips for replanting animal habits but they no longer sell them .
no I am looking to guard from deer, ground hogs and rabbits but they are being planted in a woodland setting. I am tying to replant 10 acres that were randomly and very messily timbered before we owned it. All I can find though are the plastic tree tubes and that seems to be all that is used...
okay so I use the black corrugated pipe for my bigger trees but what should I use for smaller tree whips? Is there something I could make for them?
I see the white tree guards everywhere on trees planted for field erosion but have no idea why they are used for the smaller trees and how they...
yea I got from the ag agency this spring but the prices were okay to buy a few but too high to buy enough for like we are looking to do. I contacted arbor day and they emailed me a link to get tree whips from them. ( the size they give out as there free trees) in bulk. IT was a much better deal...
can anyone recommend some where I can buy bulk tree whips (native wildlife food trees and hardwoods ) from to replant a timbered area. I have spent hours on line can not find anywhere feasible.
Thanks a bunch for the advice. I hoped to do the entire garden in raised beds because I have fastly advancing RA. And simply don't know how much longer I will physically be able to get down to work in the garden. So hearing that raised beds is okay for it is a great plus. Thanks again
okay how do I start an asparagus patch? should it be by seed or little expensive plants? should I add anything to the soil where I want to grow it, composted manure, sand ect.?
lol I have tried all of those and apparently I did not do a good enough job because I am still have problems and the trees were cut LAST spring. An old guy at the feed store told me to drill a hole in the stumps and fill them with rock salt it will take a while but it will kill them. Heck it...
My orchard, yard, garden area, pretty much our entire cleared lot was until last spring forest. Now all the stumps that I am unable to remove are covered in sprouts. And not just a few they look like darn shrubs. I have tried cutting them off, spraying them with round up and nothing I try seems...
lol I want to put some in the orchard to clean up the dropped fruit and the the bugs that come with the dropped fruit. I am hoping that it works out okay. I figure they wont dig as bad a chickens would.