can anyone recommend some where I can buy bulk tree whips (native wildlife food trees and hardwoods ) from to replant a timbered area. I have spent hours on line can not find anywhere feasible.
Hoodat, is right... I can get very reasonably priced trees and bushes at my county extension. You place your order in February and pick up mid- April. I have had good luck with all their pines, oak, raspberries, blueberries. The lilacs are unbelievable! (and chickens don't eat them....) I wasn't successful with the birch- but the deer ate them. Good luck!
yea I got from the ag agency this spring but the prices were okay to buy a few but too high to buy enough for like we are looking to do. I contacted arbor day and they emailed me a link to get tree whips from them. ( the size they give out as there free trees) in bulk. IT was a much better deal for the same size plants that where available from the local ag agency.
I have not been very impressed with our local ag and conservation agency. Everyone on here and other sites say how they are your best local resource for help and knowledge in your area. But frankly it never seems to fail ours offers very little of either. They will tell you to call the University to get info about things like soil or water testing, instead of offering you the info they are suppose to have in the office. They seem clueless when you ask about advertised farm programs that they are suppose to have the forms or information for.
The people who work in the office are often rude, acting like you are wasting their time when you stop in or call. And it often seems unless you are looking for 4h info they do not want to be bothered trying to find information for you or a place where you can get the information you are looking for.
Obviously most ag agencies are not like this because as I have said that is where everyone tells you to start. I just wish ours would get on the ball and be as useful as everyone else's.
Our DEC also sells trees in the spring- might be another place to try. I have had terrible luck with the Arbor Day trees. Out of 30, I might have 1 or 2 that survived... Hopefully, you'll have better luck! Let us know how it works out for you. Good luck!
defiantly will and will see if our dcnr office has anything available I didn't even think of looking there. Years ago my dad use to get from the fish and game commission small whips for replanting animal habits but they no longer sell them .